Corpus Christi Mass (11th June 12pm)

come join us

Corpus Christi Mass (in the Church)

You are invited to join us for a special Corpus Christi Mass on Sunday 11th June at 12pm. 

After the Mass there will be a special procession where we journey with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. 

It’s a time to renew our faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and to commit ourselves anew to love of Jesus. 

After the Mass there is a gathering in the Parish Hall where the children of our Parish who have received their First Holy Communion this year will receive a memento of this special occasion. 

Holy Week

Palm Sunday

Blessing of palms at all Masses

Masses: 6pm Saturday Vigil, 9am, 10:15am (Family Mass – Hall), 10:30am, 12pm, 7pm


Monday - Wednesday

Confessions 5:15-6:00pm

Maundy Thursday

Confessions 4-6pm

Lord’s Supper Mass 6:30pm, followed by Watching before Altar of repose until Midnight

Good Friday

Walk of Witness, from Abbey steps @ 10:15am 

Solemn Good Friday Liturgy & veneration of the Cross 3pm

Confessions 4:30-6:30pm

Stations of the Cross 8pm

Holy Saturday

Confessions 10-11am, 4-6pm

Paschal Vigil Mass 9pm begins on Abbey Steps

Easter Sunday

Masses: 8am, 9am, 10:15am (Family Mass – Hall), 10:30am, 12pm, 7pm

Latin Vespers 6pm

The Three Pillars of Lent

The Season of Lent is formed of three pillars. Almsgiving, Fasting and Prayer. Below are some ideas of things you can do this Lent.

number 1 2

Call an elderly relative

Send a note of prayer

Cook an extra plate of food for a neighbour or someone you know who is in need


number 2

Give up buying something (like a daily coffee) and give the money to a charity

Give up gossip

Fast from eating chocolate


number 3

Take up praying the Rosary

Go to 1 extra Mass a week (daily Mass 7am, 9:15am, 6pm at the Abbey)

Spend five minutes in prayer


Things to get involved with this Lent

prayer 4

Bible Study

A Bible study for anyone and everyone where you get to hear the Good News of Jesus.

These will be recorded videos to watch at home or with your family or friends.

prayer 5

Faith Sharing Groups

Join one of our Faith Sharing Groups.

prayer 2

Choosing the Better Part

An introduction to Christian meditation led by Fr. Robin. Tuesday morning for 5 weeks, From 8th March at 11am in the Bulbeck Room.

For all wishing to renew their prayer life and know God better.

prayer 6


Saturday 12th March, 2.30pm in the coffee bar, commencing with an art/craft workshop, followed by a Liturgy in the Newman chapel and refreshments.

prayer 3

Journey to Easter with St. Benedict

A Lenten quiet day with talks, silent meditations & praying with Scripture led by Fr. Robin & Gina Garrett.

Saturday 2nd April, 11am-3:30pm in the Maurice Fowler Hall. Bring a packed lunch (tea & coffee available)

Parish Confession Times


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available in the Church at the following times:




7:45 – 8:15PM

10 – 11AM

4 – 5PM