Parish Volunteering Roles

Here you will find a list of Volunteering opportunities and roles Ealing Abbey Parish are looking for. Scroll down and see the ways you can get involved. 


Please reach out to Chelle D’cruz, our Pastoral Coordinator on Tel. 020 8194 2302 or email
If you’d like to volunteer your skills, time and talents but do not see a specific role, please get in touch with Chelle as we’d love to still here from you!

Urgent requirement: Good Friday 2025 – Walk of Witness Procession

Volunteers 18th April 2025 

We are also urgently seeking volunteers to help us this year coordinate our Walk of Witness Procession on Good Friday, 18th April 2025 meeting at 10am in Ealing Abbey, with the procession starting at 10.15am. We require coordinators and traffic marshals to enable this to go ahead. If interested please contact Liz via Chelle, Pastoral Coordinator at or phone 020 8194 2302. 

Volunteers List Roles Ealing Abbey2025 3

Welcome Desk –

Sunday Mass

9am Sundays

We currently run these on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at our 9am mass. On the back of positive feedback received, we’re hopefully looking to extend this to weekly. If you’d like to help and join our 9am volunteers, reach out to Chelle with your details. 

7pm Sundays

We would also like to get this up and running for our Sunday evening 7pm mass. If you’d like to join, please contact Chelle. 

9am Choir

Sunday Mass

Choir Master/Mistress

We are looking for a Choir Master/Mistress to join our choir on Sunday mornings and provide guidance on our singing and new pieces for us to learn to add to our repertoire!

We have a fun and enjoyable get together every Sunday at 8.30 a.m. to practice and follow up with an equally enjoyable coffee in the Benet Bar afterwards!

Other Various Roles

These include:
  • Readers
  • Eucharistic Ministers
  • Flower care and maintenance
  • Care of the altar cloths
  • IT Expertise
  • Parish Safeguarding Rep 

Candle stand cleaning

We need more volunteers to help with cleaning of the Abbey’s 13 candle stands. These are cleaned once a week, however if we have more volunteers, we can add more people to our rota.

We always need more people, particularly during April when there will be a shortage due to holidays.

If you can help, please contact the Parish Office Tel. 020 8194 2301 or email:

Benedict Renew

Wellbeing Team -Help us run a weekly safe space 


Can you provide a friendly welcome and help us run a weekly place of hope, to people who feel isolated and alone where it’s safe, non-judgemental and a space people can meet, socialise, pray or reflect.

 If you can spare just 2 hours a week on a Wednesday from 10am-12pm (starting Mid-Mar/April – TBC) to help us provide another space for people in the W5 area to come to, in conjunction with the team at Renew Wellbeing (and Haven Green Baptist Church who run theirs on Monday morning’s), We’d love to hear from you.


What is involved?

No specific skills are required, you’ll have access to useful resources and training guides.

You just need to be 18+, need to care, be able to commit on a rota basis, be friendly and kind, be willing to lend an ear/listen if people want to talk with no judgement and want to be part of a supportive, team.

 If you would like to be part of a close-knit group committed to providing friendship and safety, and join as a core volunteer (weekly), fortnightly or monthly  or help in a ‘leader’ capacity, to run these, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact Chelle D’cruz for more information and next steps.


Join SVP and care for people in need

Be a beacon of hope 

ST VINCENT DE PAUL (SVP) needs more volunteers to assist with visiting the sick, bringing people to mass, helping with the soup kitchen and much more. If you would like to join and help in anyway, please contact Vlod via or on 0208 194 2302

Justice & Peace Group

Justice & Peace

Help us get this group back up and running at Ealing Abbey. Contact Patrick via Chelle D’cruz, or the Parish Office

Caritas Parish Representative

Parish Volunteer

Caritas Reps are the main social action link between their parish and Caritas Westminster. They keep in contact with their area Caritas Development Worker, and liaise with the parish priest and other social action volunteers to support existing and new projects and activities, and identify other ways in which the parish can engage in the ministry of charity.
The role of Caritas Representative is flexible and varies by parish, and the same goes for actual time spent in the role. A lot depends on existing projects, balanced with the Rep’s commitments and availability. Caritas also holds periodic training sessions and meetings, which are not compulsory, but do provide the opportunity to meet others doing the same role, share ideas, learn best practice and help make this role rewarding and successful.
To find out more, contact Sr Silvana Dallanegra rscj
Phone: 07921 471 506

Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy 
Help us at Sunday 9am Mass with our Children’s Liturgy.
If you are interested email

Homeless Concern

If you would like to do more to help the homeless, there are various organisations, three have been brought to our attention in urgent need of volunteers.


Mattock Lane, Ealing W3 8LA

They run services every FRIDAY between 11am and 3.30am
These include: providing a hot meal, showers, clothing, Barber services Food parcels, footcare, English classes and more.

They need 8 volunteers or more to support them at present.

This could be with just ONE of these task mentioned above.

Several of which would involve giving approx 2 hours of your time, on a Friday, between those times.

to register your interest and request an application form.


1 Berrymead Gardens, Acton, W3 8AA

They are a day centre for homeless people. Open each day from Tuesday through to Friday between 9am and 6pm, they provide almost identical services to the Crypt in Ealing, and need volunteers.

If you would like to volunteer and find out more, please email:


3/5 Church Road, Acton, W3 8PM

They open between Monday and Friday for Breakfast /snacks between 8am to 12pm, and between 2pm – 5pm for snacks.

Contact: or visit Acton Homeless Concern – Homeless England | Homeless Link for more information

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