Youth Groups

The goal of our Youth Activities is to create opportunities to encounter God, to provide tools to grow in relationship with God, to build meaningful friendships, and to empower our young people to bring about positive change in the world for Jesus.

Upcoming Activities

Scroll through our upcoming Youth Activities.

Helping our Youth

Do you have a passion for sharing your faith and a desire to see young people encounter Jesus Christ? We are always looking for the right people to get involved with our Parish Youth Ministry, to serve and contribute their gifts to our young people. There are many ways to help out, from mentoring to being a catechist, from the music team to financially contributing. If this lights a spark in your heart then reach out to us.

Please note: all our volunteers must go through a selection process which includes safeguarding background checks and training.

Youth Sessions

For all 11-16 year olds and all about the Beauty, Truth and Goodness of our Catholic faith. Through workshops and inspirational speakers we hear about how God invites us to relationship with him through the gifts and talents that he has given us.

Let us know if your young person is coming or if you have any questions.

Youth Group

For all 11-16 year olds. We begin with 12pm Mass and then meet afterwards to build friendships, be formed in faith and have activities. The youth group helps our young people decide whether they want to prepare for Confirmation.

Anyone can join, just send us an email to tell us your young person is coming.

Youth Summit

An evening of gathering for all the young people of the local area. It is an evening of focus on encountering Jesus and responding to his invitation to follow him.

Let us know if your young person is coming or if you have any questions.

Family of Faith

Family of Faith is all about helping families to grow in the joys of following Jesus Christ in their every day home life.

Families meet together once a month for a time of community, prayer and activities. We provide parents with at home resources to lead their family in faith. We encourage, enable and provide parents with the tools to be able to lead their child in faith.

Your family can join at any point in the year just let us know you’re coming by signing up below.

Confirmation preparation

The main way we form our young people is through our Youth Group. They grow in friendship and faith, develop their prayer life, learn with confidence to ask questions and seek answers. As they grow and take ownership of their own Christian life they can request Confirmation when the time is right for them. As such we no longer run a separate Confirmation preparation. If your young person is thinking about Confirmation, we would love to see them join our Youth Group.

First Holy

For more information on preparing your child for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, click on the link below.


During our Sunday 9am Mass we have a Children’s Liturgy led by a team of volunteers. It’s the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel for all children under 11 years old. It runs during term time, listen out for the invitation at the start of 9am Mass for all children to come forward.


Anchor is ongoing faith formation for all children 6-11 years. Children attending a non Catholic School should enrol. It’s an opportunity to grow in relationship with God, delve into Biblical stories and develop strong bonds of friendship.

Ignite Helpers

“Never let the fire in your heart go out,” says Romans 12: 11. In years 4-7 the fire which God placed in your child at Baptism and fanned in Holy Communion, is about to spark into greater life by being an Ignite Leader.

Ignite aims to help that fire grow in your child. Ignite leaders will meet fortnightly to grow in friendship, be formed as disciples and help with Parish activities, like our Communion prep.

If this is something you’d be interested in for your child please get in touch.

Financial support​

Would you like to contribute to the Parish’s Youth Work? If you feel called, you can contribute financially to this important work. 100% of the contributions towards catechesis/ youth go towards creating opportunities of encounter with Jesus for our youth. Including our Youth Group, our Youth Sessions and Summits, our Family of Faith resources.