
St Benedict’s Parish has a full safeguarding policy in place, in accordance with Diocesan guidelines.

Every human being has a value and dignity which we as Catholics acknowledge as coming directly from God’s creation of male and female in his own image and likeness. This implies a duty to value all people and therefore to support them and protect them from harm. In the Catholic Church this is demonstrated by the provision of carefully planned activities for children, young people and adults; supporting families under stress; caring for those hurt by abuse in the past; ministering to and managing those who have caused harm.

It is because of these varied ministries that we need to provide a safe environment for all, which promotes and supports their wellbeing. This will include carefully selecting and appointing those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults and responding robustly where concerns arise.

All who work with children or vulnerable adults within the Parish must have been through the Parish’s Safer Recruitment Process. Additionally, a DBS check must have been completed and processed by the Diocese of Westminster before anyone can function in a role which has contact with children or vulnerable adults. 

Outside organisations use our premises for different activities. All must have an up to date Safeguarding Policy and provide evidence that DBS checks have been carried out. 

If you would like any more information on our policies and processes please don’t hesitate to contact one of our Safeguarding Representatives (details below).

To find out more about the policy, click through to the Diocesan website.

For details regarding the IICSA Report click here.

Who to contact?

If you have a concern, however small, about children or adults at risk, please contact the Parish Safeguarding representatives are contactable through the Parish Office: 020 8194 2301 or by email:

You can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding team on: 0207 798 9186 or by email: Other contact details are available here, along with more information on reporting concern about a child or adult at risk.

If there is imminent danger/risk please phone the Police on 999

For Parish queries email or CLICK HERE or phone 020 8194 2301 

The Parish Process for Safer Recruitment of Volunteers

Our process is adapted from CSSA’s Safer Recruitment of new volunteers – working with children or adults at risk. You can access their website here

Our Safeguarding representatives

Important Links
0800 800 5000

Info on what support is available to support children and young people.
0800 1111

Free & confidential counselling service for children and young people
Age UK
020 7278 1114

Providing advice,
support and companionship for the elderly.


020 7905 1920

For advice and guidance relating to safeguarding within the Catholic Church

Safe in Faith

provides support & resources to clergy, laypeople, & domestic violence victims
Online Safety
Links to Guidance on Online Safety

A number of websites and organisations to help keep you safe when you are online

Catholic Safe Spaces

Safe Spaces, a joint Catholic/Anglican initiative, is the fruit of an ongoing collaboration between the churches who wish to reach out to and support those who have experienced such abuse. The charity Victim Support (VS) independently manages the project with the aim of offering help to anyone who may have experienced trauma in the context of church activity. Their experience in offering support to victims of abuse, support which not only puts victims first but which is also informed by their experience, is a great step in helping the Catholic Church in England and Wales to hear and respond in a more concrete way to their needs.

The Safe Spaces team can be contacted using a variety of methods:

Telephone: 0300 303 1056 (a voicemail facility is available outside of opening times)
LiveChat with the team, or access service information, at