Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture, serve by giving alms, and practice self-control through fasting. Lent is observed for 40 days, in imitation of Jesus Christ’s fast in the wilderness, and focuses on fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.
We have a number of events to help you with your Lenten reflection and preparation on this page. We wish you a very blessed Lenten season!
Please note our Parish Office is closed for the Easter period, from Thursday, 17th April at 12:30pm and reopens on Monday, 28th April at 9:30am
Our Parish Lenten Project this Jubilee Year ties in with the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ as we help to support the life-changing work Ealing Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) do to alleviate homelessness. Ealing Abbey has been supporting ECWNS since 2013.
ECWNS impact the wider community by offering a unique service to the borough’s rough sleepers, providing food, a safe and warm space to sleep, and, importantly companionship, every night to 14 people from November to March each year.
ECWNS will be speaking at 6pm mass – Saturday, 15th March (Chantella) and 9am, 10.30am, 12noon and 7pm masses (Nilesh and Jill Coombs)– Sunday 16th March 2025.
Bring Hope on the Journey to Easter supporting ECWNS as part of Ealing Abbey’s Lenten Project. To donate:
Scan the QR code or visit the donations page or our Lenten Appeal page at: ealingabbeyparish.uk/parish-lenten-appeal2025/-202
Lent & Holy Week : key dates and events
Wednesday 5th March
Ash Wednesday
Masses in the Abbey are at:
8pm – extra Mass
With the distribution of Ashes at all Masses
Saturday 8th March
Parish Lenten Retreat
9:15 Mass
10am-11am- Holy hour and Exposition
11am-11:15am- Coffee/ tea in the Bulbeck Room
11:15am-12:30pm- Lent Reflection in the Bulbeck Room led by Deacon Ian
12:30pm- Finish
Sunday 9th March
1st Sunday of Lent
Sunday 16th March
2nd Sunday of Lent
Lenten Appeal: Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) Speaker at all Masses, 9am, 10:30am, 12noon, 7pm and Saturday 15th March at the 6pm Mass
Saturday 22nd March
Liturgy for Families with Special Needs
2.30pm in the Coffee Lounge with an arts & craft workshop and refreshments, followed by a Liturgy in the Church.
All welcome!
Sunday 23rd March
3rd Sunday of Lent
Thursday 27th March
RCIA Event the Call to Holiness, Looking at the Saints
Benet Bar 7-9pm
All Welcome!
RSVP: formation@ealingabbey.org.uk
Sunday 30th March
4th Sunday of Lent
10:30 Mass with Bishop James Curry, Auxillary Bishop of Westminster
Sunday 6th April
5th Sunday of Lent
Sunday 13th April
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Blessing of Palms at all Masses with a Procession at the 10:30am Mass starting at 10:15am at St Benedict’s School (Marchwood Crescent gate)
Wednesday 16th April
Children’s Passion Liturgy Rehearsal
10am in the Church
Contact Chelle@ealingabbey.org.uk if you would like to volunteer
Thursday 17th April
Maundy Thursday
10am: Children’s Passion Liturgy Rehearsals at 10am in the church
Confessions – see times below*
6:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper, followed by watching before the Altar of Repose until Midnight
Friday 18th April
Good Friday
Morning Prayer (Tenebrae) 8.30am
Walk of Witness – 10.15am procession on Abbey Steps
Volunteers needed to help with Walk of Witness, contact Chelle to help as marshalchelle@ealingabbey.org.uk
Children’s Passion Liturgy – 12noon
Solemn Liturgy 3pm followed by Veneration of the Cross
Confessions – see below*
The Seven Last Words Meditation and Music from Taize 7pm
Stations of the Cross 8pm followed by the Veneration of the Relic of the True Cross
Saturday 19th April
Holy Saturday
Blessing of Easter Eggs and Baskets – Bulbeck Room: 11am, 12noon and 1pm
Paschal Vigil begins at 9pm on the Abbey Steps
Sunday 20th April
Easter Sunday
Masses at 8am, 9am, 10:15am (Parish Hall), 10:30am, 12:15pm and 7pm
Latin Vespers at 6pm
Monday 21st April
Easter Monday
Please note, no 7am Mass
Masses at:
9:15am and 6pm as usual
Sunday 27th April
Divine Mercy Sunday
Confessions at 2:15pm-3pm followed by devotion and Mass at 3pm
Stations of the Cross
Friday 7th March
Friday 14th March
Friday 21st March
Friday 28th March
Friday 4th April
Friday 11th April
1:30pm and 8:20pm
Friday 18th April (Good Friday)
*Confessions in Lent and Holy Week
Thursdays in Lent
Friday 28th March
Friday 4th April
Friday 11th April
Saturdays during Lent
Monday 14th April
Tuesday 15th April
Wednesday 16th April
Thursday 17th April (Maundy Thursday)
Friday 18th April (Good Friday)
Saturday 19th April (Holy Saturday)
Sunday 27th April (Divine Mercy Sunday)
10am-11am and 4pm-6pm
Normal Mass Times in Lent
10:15am Family Mass in the Hall
12 noon
Weekdays and Saturdays
6pm (Vigil Mass Saturday)
Easter Home Blessings
Parishioners can have a Home Blessing, if they wish, after Easter during the period of Eastertide.
Please contact Chelle D’Cruz, Pastoral Coordinator at chelle@ealingabbey.org.uk or leave a message on 020 8194 2302