Youth Group

Our Youth Group
The main way we form our young people is through our Youth Group. They grow in friendship and faith, develop their prayer life, learn with confidence to ask questions and seek answers. As they grow and take ownership of their own Christian life they can request Confirmation when the time is right for them and they are ready.
As such we no longer run a separate Confirmation preparation. If your young person is thinking about Confirmation, we would love to see them join our Youth Group and be an active part of it.
You can register interest in our Youth Group with the link below and someone from our team will be in touch. (note – when you’re filling in the online form, make sure you go through all the pages by clicking next, otherwise we won’t receive your form).
Our Youth Group is about young people encountering Jesus in this day and age. You can support the Youth Group with your prayers and with any financial support you can provide. We seek to feed the youth at every gathering and provide opportunities for outside speakers and a whole host of different events.
If you have any questions please do get in touch with us below.
Financial support
Would you like to contribute to the Parish’s Youth Work? If you feel called, you can contribute financially to this important work. 100% of the contributions towards catechesis/ youth go towards creating opportunities of encounter with Jesus for our youth. Including our Youth Group, our Youth Sessions and Summits, our Family of Faith resources.