Family Area
Welcome to Our Family Podcast

Welcome to our Family Podcast
Here is a podcast episode to help prepare for the Sunday Mass.
Would your child be interested in guest hosting an episode? If so, you can get in touch with us with the button below or by speaking to Maxina or Daniel in the Parish
10:15am Family Mass
The 10.15 Mass has been a fixture of Ealing Abbey parish life for many decades. Often parents who attended it as children find themselves attending again with their own children.
The Mass is offered in such a way that parents with young children should not feel uncomfortable if from time to time their children find it difficult to keep still or quite. The Mass is organised by the parishioners. The seating, altar and any other arrangements needed are set up members of the congregation on rotas. The music is led by members of the congregation, often assisted by some of the children. The homily is for adults and children to reflect on the readings with the priest. Although not all are yet able to speak the contributions are always wonderful and often remarkable for their insight. We try to make this Mass as welcoming and informal as possible while observing and teaching the children to observe a proper respect for the dignity and seriousness of the mysteries being celebrated.
Come and join us for Sunday Mass in the the Parish Hall.
During these extraordinary times the 10:15am Mass is being celebrated in a different way. To attend in person you must book a ticket (you can do that by clicking the link below). Please have a read through the guidelines below first, before booking.
For those unable to attend in person we are also live streaming the Mass. This is via YouTube. Just click the red button above.
10:15am Family Mass Guidelines – for in-person attendance
Please note; YOU MUST Pre book a ticket to attend this Mass. Tickets must be booked for all adults and children in your party via Eventbrite (link on the Parish website) this enables us to keep everyone safe and keep robust ‘Track & Trace’ systems in place. Numbers of tickets are limited & when the maximum number of tickets has been reached you will no longer be able to book. If you do not have a ticket you will be invited to attend the 10:30 am Mass in the main church.
Entrance will be through the Bookshop Porch, at the rear of the Church (this is where the car park is and the name of the street is Montpelier Avenue). You will then proceed through the Coffee Shop Entrance into the Parish Hall and take a seat with your family. Please use the sanitising stations on the way in and follow social distancing guidelines. We will have a Pram Park in the Coffee shop area, please leave Prams & Buggies in this area and collect at the end of Mass.
A face mask or covering is now required in the Church & Parish Hall. Please note – This is non-compulsory for those with medical reasons as per Government guidelines. Adults and Children 11 years of age and over are required to wear a face mask or covering throughout the Mass.
We ask that those children who would like to draw & colour bring their own pencil cases and crayons to the Mass. We ask parents to help their children to keep a safe distance from the Altar and other family groups.
Please use the hand sanitisers when entering the Church.
Follow the one-way system and the directions of the volunteers.
For receiving Communion, please stay seated until the minister approaches your row and invites your row to stand and come forward to receive Holy Communion. Fully stretch out your arms to receive the Eucharist in order to maintain a safe distance between you and the minister. Move to the side, lower your face mask/covering and consume the Eucharist.
Sadly, congregational singing is not allowed but we are investigating streaming some devotional music during the Mass.
As previously, photographs & videos are not permitted during Mass. After the Mass, please proceed in a slow and orderly fashion, in your family groups, maintaining SOCIAL DISTANCING. Through the Fire Exit & back out to the Car Park area. One of our volunteers will be on hand to keep this running smoothly as the Hall needs to be sanitised and chairs packed away after the Mass.
We look forward to seeing you all again soon!
The 10:15am Mass Team