Courageous witnesses of Jesus

These disciples, who today are gathered together in fear, will become the courageous witnesses of Jesus.

Dear Parishioner,

This Sunday we meet the disciples – cowering in fear in the upper room behind locked doors -listening to the two disciples, still breathless from their walk back from Emmaus, and full of their encounter with the Risen Jesus. Suddenly – there he is in their midst! They are filled with ‘alarm and fright!’ “If it’s Jesus, what will he say to us, who ran away, who abandoned and denied him? Will he say, ‘Why did you desert me, you cowards!’ or to Peter, ‘Are you ashamed now of your denial!’”

Not a bit of it! After his greeting of Peace, Jesus says, “Why are you so agitated, and why are these doubts arising in your hearts? Come and touch me.” And he shows them the wounds on his hands and feet. There are no reproaches, no condemnations – only reassurances and joy as he patiently explains the words he spoke to them before the Passion. Then he tells them that the wonderful news of forgiveness of sins is offered, not only to the Jews, but to ‘all nations’.

In the first Reading, a transformed Peter – no longer frightened but filled with courage – preaches to the people about Jesus and explains that, after his sufferings, Jesus has been glorified. Peter urges the people to repent and turn to God so that their sins will be forgiven. John too proclaims that Jesus “is the sacrifice that takes our sins away.”

These disciples, who today are gathered together in fear, will become the courageous witnesses of Jesus and will set forth to bring this wondrous news to the whole world. Until then, they need to take time to taste the Joy, to reflect and pray over the amazing experiences they’ve been through and to prepare themselves to receive the gift of the Spirit who will empower them to set forth in the name of Jesus.

“Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and enkindle in us the FIRE of your LOVE, and you shall RENEW the FACE of the EARTH.

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