Letter from Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, has written a letter to the faithful of his diocese.

Dear Parishioner,

Cardinal Nichols writes: 

You may be aware that Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, has written a letter to the faithful of his diocese. While the letter is lengthy the Patriarch’s is, among the many who offer their insights and concerns, a uniquely authentic voice. The letter is available at https://www.lpj.org/posts/letter-to-the-entire-diocese.html.


You might like to take note of the work of the Friends of the Holy Land, who would seem, even at this point, able to get financial aid directly into Gaza. If you or your parishioners would like to assist with this aid you can donate to Friends of the Holy Land at https://www.friendsoftheholyland.org.uk/Appeal/donate.


Christmas Concert in aid of the Friends of the Holy Land - Giving Hope to Vulnerable Christians

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Key Notices

August 2024

Summer Closure

The Parish Office will be closed during Mon 12th Aug-Mon 26th Aug. We reopen at 09.30am on Tues 27th Aug.

– No news bulletins or e-newsletters during August. These will resume in September. 

– No blessed exposition on Thursday’s and Friday’s during August. 

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