Disciples of Christ

If we are really disciples of Christ we cannot think that our lives and our work are just about us or our group – family, friends or colleagues.

     Do we want good to happen? Do we see God working in our lives when we are prompted to do good? Do we see him in the lives of others when they are doing good? In the Gospel John is indignant because people other than Jesus’s disciples were “presuming” to cast out devils in his name. In one way we might sympathize with them. After all did not Jesus specifically call the twelve disciples? Did he call those others? I think one of the warnings for us here is that if we feel we are part of a group that is doing good we can slip into giving credit to ourselves rather than God. If God is enabling us to do good, we can be sure that he wants to enable others too. If those others have accepted this prompting of grace should we not rejoice? Jesus says: “No one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me”. It is very important for all of us to realise that we are called to be co-workers with Christ. When we are part of a group of workers we are normally very pleased when others in our group are working well – after all it helps us!

      If we are really disciples of Christ we cannot think that our lives and our work are just about us or our group – family, friends or colleagues. Our purpose is part of a wider whole – the return of God’s creation to him at the end of time. Those “others” who were casting out devils in the name of Jesu were also part of that work. Perhaps they had made themselves available by their recognition that the casting out of devils by Jesus and his disciples was a sign of God’s presence. They had felt prompted to do the same themselves. That cannot be wrong. In secular life there is the concept of intellectual property, copyright, trademark and patent. This is usually just and fair because if “the labourers are entitled to their wages” the those who have worked with their minds should receive financial recognition. In the case of “good works” – spiritual and corporeal works of mercy the intellectual property belongs to God – it is, in fact, his idea. Our cooperation with his grace is indeed a matter for rejoicing – let it be enough for us that we are journeying with Christ and his church towards eternal life.

Yours in Christ,

D Timothy OSB

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