to everyone who made our 3rd Annual Golf Fundraiser a great success!
Superbly organised by Mary Nolan and Eileen Burgess.
Many thanks to all who supported them, came to play, have fun, to dine, to donate, contribute to the events and to all who sponsored a hole which on the day made: £8,750 !
AAA Satellites & Aerials Ltd
Affordable Power
Ajar Technology x (3)
Colin Bibra
Boward Tree Surgery
Philly & Eddie Codrington
Coppersmith Recruitment Services
Durston House
Ekron Chartered Surveyors
Fireco Limited
Fitzgerald Flooring
Gardiner Residential
Genuine Solutions
The Haven Arms
Haven Funerals
Kerr & Co
LA Business Recovery
Lewis Pharmacy
Lodge Brothers
London Snooker
McRail Contructions Ltd
John Martin Estates
Mercedez Benz West London
MCS Flooring
M P Moran & Sons
Mullin & Sons
O’Dwyer Funerals (5)
Owl Cleaners
Quattro Ltd
R&R Security
Robertson Smith & Kempson
Patrick Ryan & Daughter
St Augustine’s Priory
St Benedict’s School
St Killian’s Candle Burning System
Temple Pharmacy
Webbs of Ealing (NWS Motors) Ltd
W S Bond
Fr Ambrose would like to thank you all who contributed to making our golf day and evening a wonderful success.
A good time was had by all, we enjoyed perfect weather for the golf and the evening was charming with fine food and fun with our auction and raffle.
We would also like to thank the people who generously gave their time behind the scenes.
Stephen Balogh – Managing all card transactions
Philly Coddrington – Taking photographs of golfers and prize winners on the evening
Chelle D’cruz – For her constant help and support
Robert Ewan – Dealing with calls, queries, ticketing etc and printing of posters and menus
Radek Melnyk – Helping to store and transport donations and prizes to the Golf Club
Geraldine Nelson – Processing, collating cash, invoices and cheques etc. and for issuing up-dates on the state of the finances
Philip Nolan – Philip scored the golf throughout the day, a very important job and presented the golfers with their prizes.