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Preparation for

First Holy Communion

Welcome to our First Holy Communion preparation for the year ahead. We are delighted that you are joining us. 

First Reconciliation
Preparation Weeks

First Holy Communion
Preparation Weeks

Things that may be of interest

Family of Faith helps families to grow in the joys of following Jesus in their every day home life. 

Families meet together once a month for community, prayer and activities. We provide home resources so you can lead your family in faith. 

Join at any point, just let us know you’re coming by signing up below.

Children's Liturgy

at Sunday 9am Mass

During our Sunday 9am Mass we have a Children’s Liturgy led by our amazing team of volunteers. It is the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel for all children under 11 years old. Children’s Liturgy runs during term time, listen out for the invitation at the start of Mass for all children to come forward.

Dates for the journey ahead

Tues 16th Apr

Parents gathering 7:30pm in the Parish Centre Hall. 

Sat 20th Apr

Groups for children – groups and their timing are allocated and sent by email

Sun 21st Apr

9am Family Mass in the Church (children go to Baptismal font)


12th May

First Holy Communion Masses – the exact timings of the Masses and their allocation will be done closer to the time

Sun 2nd June

Corpus Christi 12pm Mass & Celebration – we celebrate the end of the journey towards First Holy Communion with Mass, a jubilant procession and a celebration together afterwards. The children will receive a certificate as a reminder of the day they made their First Holy Communion.

Get in touch

Your preparation

First Reconciliation - Week 1


Today we will learn that nothing existed before God. He created everything out of perfect love — the heavens and the earth. God rejoices in all his creation, but he especially rejoices in his creation of you

Let us pray

Prayer means talking to God. Think of the different ways you talk to a friend or your mum or dad. There are just as many ways to talk to God — and maybe more! Today, let us thank God for the good things he has given us and ask him for the things we need. We will also ask him to help other people.

1.1 My Timeline

Bring this activity on Saturday

The very first book of the Bible tells us that God created everything. God created the sun, the moon, and the stars. He created the earth and all the plants and animals, and he created you. God loves you and cares about you. God has a plan for your life. 

Get a piece of paper and some pencils/colours, you’re going to create a timeline of your life, something like the below. Think of the big events—when you were born, when you moved to your house, your first day of school, when your little brother or sister was born, a special trip or holiday, and any other important events. Draw a picture to go with each event. 

Gods timeline

1.3 God wants us to know Him

God loves us and wants us to know him. So God shows himself to us—he shows us who he is. God does this in many different ways. One way that God reveals himself is in nature, in the beauty of his creation.
Another is in the love of your family. Through these gifts God gives us, we can learn about him.
God also wants us to be in a really strong friendship with Him. So that you can talk to Him at any point and listen to Him speaking to you. 

Talk it out with your parent

What do you think is the most amazing thing God created?

How do you think God feels about you?

1.5 Video

Talk it out with your parent

Why should we take care of the earth? 

What are some ways that you can see God present around your home or school?

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in Heaven, you made everything and called it good. you made us in your image, and you love us. Thank you for this beautiful world. Teach us to know you and love you. In the name of Jesus your Son. Amen. 

1.2 Have you ever wondered, where the world came from?

In the beginning, before anything existed, there was only God. God is eternal which means he always was and always will be. God has no beginning and no end. 

God is a Trinity. That means there is one God in three persons. The three persons are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

The first book of the Bible is called Genesis. It means “beginning.” This book tells us how God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing. God made everything, light, the sky, the stars, trees, plants, flowers, animals. Everything. 

And then, God made humans, he made Adam and Eve. They were made in God’s image and likeness, and God created them out of love, just like you and me! 

God made the world beautiful and good. God made the world for us to enjoy and He gave us all a special plan within this world.

Talk it out with your parent

What do you think is the most amazing thing God created?

How do you think God feels about you?

1.4 God creates us in His image and likeness

God is perfect, he created a world that is perfect and created Adam and Eve perfect and placed them in the perfect Garden of Eden. There was no sin or sickness or sadness. God created this perfect world so we could love him and live happily with him forever. 

God created us all in his image and likeness. That means we have a mind that can know God and other amazing things. It also means we have free will. This means we can choose what is good. 

Body and Soul 

We all have a body and a soul. Your body is the part you can see. Your body runs, sits, show love to others. You soul is the invisible part. Your thoughts, your free will to choose good, your hopes, your feelings, your prayers, these are all part of your soul. 

Your body and soul help you to know God and to be in friendship with God now and in Heaven to come.

Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, You made the day and night, the earth and sky, the birds and animals, and every living thing. And you made Adam and Eve in your image and likeness. Thank you for creating us, and thank you for creating this amazing world. Bless our families, our teachers, and our friends. Help us to love them as you love us. In the name of Jesus your Son. Amen. 

First Reconciliation - Week 2


Today we will hear the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and hurt their friendship with him. We will see that this is how sin came into the world. Finally, we will learn that Jesus came to save us from sin so that we can be close friends with God again

2.1 The Creation of YOU!

Bring this activity on Saturday

God created you in his image and likeness. God created you out of love. There is only one you AND there will only every be one you! How amazing is that. You are completely unique. 

What are some of the best things about you? What do you offer this world, your family, your friends, your church, your community? 

Get a piece of paper and fill in the blanks with words. You can use some of the words listed below or you can think of your own words. This is a recipe that used all the special ingredients that make up you. When you have finished, get someone else in your family to have a go and then compare your answers to see how alike and how different you are. 

Gods timeline 2

2.3 Talk it out with your parent

Have you ever done something wrong and tried to hide it? 

What are some of the ways that God shows you he cares for you? How can you show him you love him?

God’s rescue mission 

The devil was once a good angel. But he didn’t want to do what God asked, so he turned against God and got other angels to turn against God too. It was very sad. 

The devil wants people to hate God too. But God had a plan. God told Adam and Eve about this plan, that one day a saviour would come to defeat the devil. 

That promise was fulfilled by Jesus. Jesus’ name means “God saves.” Jesus loves us so much, he dies for us on the Cross but rises from the dead. This is what saves us. It is amazing news isn’t it! It is Good News, or Gospel

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in Heaven, you created us to love you, and you are sad when we sin. Teach us how to always love you and stay close to you so that we may be happy with you forever. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

2.2 Have you ever wondered, what sin is and where it came from?

God loved Adam and Eve. God gave Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden, where they could live with God happily forever. It was a beautiful garden. There was no sin, no sickness, and no sadness there at all.

God gave Adam and Eve everything they needed. There was just one thing that God told Adam and Eve not to do. God told them not to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

One day, the devil came into the garden in the form of a serpent. The serpent lied to Adam and Eve about God. He told them it would be okay if they ate the fruit God told them not to eat. 

Adam and Eve took the fruit and they ate it. Suddenly they were frightened and ashamed, so they hid away from God. 

This was the first sin, the Original Sin. Adam and Eve did something they knew they shouldn’t because they knew it would hurt their friendship with God, with each other and hurt themselves. 

After this happened Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden. For the first time Adam and Eve faced pain, sickness and difficulties. This very sad event is called The Fall. 

But God still loved them. God did not want Adam and Eve to live in this way so God promised that He would one day send a saviour, a Messiah, who would defeat the serpent and bring Adam and Eve, and all of us, back to friendship with God again. 

Just as God loved Adam and Eve, God loves you very much too. And God wants us to know him and love him too. 

When you listen to Bible stories, see how God cares for his people, showing them how to grow and love him. 

God kept his promise to Adam and Eve. When the time was right, God sent his Son, Jesus, as our Saviour. Jesus comes to bring us to friendship with God. 

2.4 Video

First Reconciliation - Week 3


Today we will learn how much God wants a relationship with us. We will learn the stories of Noah, Abraham and Sarah and Moses.

We will see how God cares for his people and wants them to be close to him. We can see God’s love at work in each of the stories we will hear today.

3.1 God's love

Bring this activity on Saturday

Find a piece of paper and draw a picture of a time when you felt God’s love. Explain where you were, how it happened, and how it made you feel. There is an example below that you can print/follow.

3.3 God wants us to trust him

Many times people do wrong things because they stop listening to God or they stop trusting God. 

Many years after Noah there was a man called Abraham and a woman called Sarah. Abraham was a righteous man and Sarah was a good woman,  they loved God and did what was right. When Abraham and Sarah were quite old, God asked them to leave their home and travel to a new land. It would have been easy for them to say no but they said yes to God. 

God promised them a child, which seemed unbelievable, but they chose to trust God and they gave birth to a son named Isaac. 

Abraham trusted God, and God decided to make another covenant. Abraham was the leader of a tribe of people, with many people a part of this tribe. When God made this new covenant it was with Abraham and the whole tribe. 

Wow! Do you remember from before what a covenant does? It brings people into God’s family. God’s family is now a whole tribe. It is getting bigger. 

Abraham and Sarah are a great example of trust. Just like they did, we can trust God and let him work in our lives and amazing things happen when we do. 

God is preparing something very special 

Do you remember in one of our previous sessions we saw how God promised Adam and Eve that he would send a saviour? Well God is preparing for that moment by walking alongside a couple, a family, a tribe, to prepare them. 

But they aren’t ready yet for that saviour.

3.5 Rules to live by

We know that our parents and families love us. We know that they want us to grow up to be safe and happy. This means that sometimes we need rules to keep us safe.
Think of a rule in your family that keeps you safe? What is that rule? How does it help you? How do you feel about that rule?
After Abraham and Sarah, the tribe grew and grew so much that it became a nation called Israel. Israel then decided to go and live in Egypt to find food. At first the people were treated well but over time Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, made Israel his slaves. It was a really horrible life.

One day, a baby boy was born called Moses. God chose Moses to rescue Israel from slavery and bring them out of Egypt. God tried to reach Pharaoh’s heart to change him by sending signs and plagues. But Pharaoh didn’t listen.

Then one night Moses and the people escaped. God then made a covenant with Moses and the nation. God’s family had now reached the size of a nation.

Rules can be good 

God gave the people Ten Commandments. The commandments are rules to live by. They were to show this new nation of Israel how to live at peace with one another, how to love God, what was right and what was wrong. 

These rules are like the rules your parents and family have for you. They are to keep you safe and happy. We still live by the Ten Commandments today. We are going to be learning about these in our children’s gathering on Saturday 11th November. 

Closing prayer 

Father in heaven, Sometimes we disobey you, like Adam and Eve. We know it makes you sad when we sin. It makes us sad, too. Thank you for sending Jesus to show us how much you love us. Thank you for your priests, who bring us your forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Bless our families, our teachers, and our friends.  Help us to love them as you love us. In the name of Jesus your Son. Amen. 


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, you are all good, and you give us everything good. You promise us blessings, and you bless the whole world through the people who love you. Teach us to love you more and more. 

In the name of Jesus your Son. Amen. 

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

3.2 What happened after Adam and Eve?

After Adam and Eve, many people stopped listening to God and they were harming each other through sin. 

But there was one good man called Noah. God decided he would work with Noah to bring about a fresh start. God told Noah to build an ark, a very large boat. Then God told Noah to gather his family, two creatures of every kind and as many other people as possible but others still didn’t listen, but his family did. 

While in the Ark, God sent a flood to cleanse the world from sin. After the flood of water had gone, God made a covenant with Noah. 

What’s a Covenant?

A covenant is an amazing thing. A covenant is a bond that God makes with people to make them part of his family. It is such a strong bond that it can’t be broken, no matter what. 

The first covenant was with Adam and Eve, so God’s family began with a couple. Then God makes a covenant with Noah and … Noah’s family. So God’s family is getting bigger. 

Talk it out with your parent

God is always asking the people to return to him, why do you think this is? 

Why do you think God never stops loving you?

3.4 God's Timeline

Bring this activity on Saturday

In the first week of your preparation you made a timeline of your life and the big events. God has a timeline as well and it includes everyone. Today we were learning about a small number of people who have been important in making God’s family bigger. 

Gods timeline 3

Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, you give us the stories of the Old Testament in the Bible so that we know how you journeyed with our older brothers and sisters in faith. Help us to see you more day by day and to trust you more and more. Amen. 

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

First Reconciliation - Week 4


Today we will hear the story of David and how he goes from shepherd to king.

4.1 God provides for us and teaches us to trust

When the Israelites were in the desert God provided for them and taught them to trust him. The people were eventually led to a new land that God had promised them. There, the people grew into a great number. 

One day, the people decided they wanted a king so they asked God for one. But, God was already their King, the best King you could ever have. But the people rejected God and decided they wanted a king like all the other nations had. 

The first king they had was called king Saul. He was strong, handsome, and a military leader but Saul decided he didn’t need God and became very prideful, he ended up hurting the people and did a lot of terrible things.

The people asked God for a good king. God said ok, and he chose David. David was just a shepherd at the time. He was a young boy and he didn’t look much like a king. In fact, he was the last person on earth that anyone would choose to be king, but God knew better. How did God know better? Because God doesn’t look to the surface of things, God looks to the heart. 

David was appointed king and he became the greatest earthly king there has ever been. What made David great was the fact that he was a man after God’s own heart. He loved God above everything else. 


Talk it out with your parent

What made David such a great king? 

Why do you think it is important that God looks to the heart and not just at the surface?


When the time came, God kept his promise. He sent Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to live among us, to teach us and heal us. 

Jesus also made a covenant. This time though, this covenant is even more amazing. 

This covenant made God’s family the biggest it could be, it made God’s family into a Church. A universal Church family spread throughout the world. It is a Church that anyone can enter into. That’s why you see so many people from so many different backgrounds at Church. You see rich and poor, young and old, and people from all over the world. 

The Church is God’s big family that everyone is invited to join. 

Is it not amazing? 


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, you give us the stories of the Old Testament in the Bible so that we know how you journeyed with our older brothers and sisters in faith. Help us to see you more day by day and to trust you more and more. Amen. 

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

4.2 Things get bad 

David wasn’t perfect. There was one time where he did something really bad and got others hurt. David knew he had done something wrong and when he was confronted by his friend about it David reacted in the best way. David was very sorry and he went straight to God to ask for God’s forgiveness and to put things right again. 

God responded by promising David that one day he would make the kingdom last forever and then God established a covenant with David. The family of God got even bigger, to become a whole kingdom! 

After David there were many bad kings. It was a very tough time for the people. The people started to put other things in their lives as God and it ended up hurting them even more. 

But God didn’t give up on the people. God kept inviting the people to return to Him with all their hearts. 

God knew that no matter how hard the people tried they wouldn’t be able to stay away from sin. They needed help, they needed God to save them. 

Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, David is an example to us of how much great God can do through us when we say yes to God. But David is also an example of what goes wrong when we start to ignore God and try to make ourselves great. We ask you to help us to love you more and more. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

First Reconciliation - Week 5


Today we will learn about the person of Jesus. We will look at Jesus’ life, his teaching and his miracles. We will also look at how Jesus saves us.

5.1 Portrait of Jesus

Find a piece of paper, imagine what you think Jesus is like and draw a picture of him. Put on the piece of paper some of the things you know Jesus does and what Jesus is like. 

5.2 What was Jesus’ life like when he lived on earth?

So far we have heard about the stories of white a few heroes who have loved God but keep falling short. But God has been preparing the people for the coming of someone who can fix the problem of sin. At last, God sends his son, Jesus. 

Before Jesus’ birth 

Before Jesus’ birth, the angel Gabriel came to a young woman called Mary. Angel Gabriel was sent by God to invite Mary to be the Mother of the Messiah. Mary said yes. This amazing event is called the Incarnation, when God became present in Mary’s womb, when God became one of us. 

Jesus was born in a place called Bethlehem. This was the place where King David had come from. Jesus grew up in a place called Nazareth with Mary and Joseph. 

Talk it out with your parent

What do you remember about the birth of Jesus? 

Why do you think an Angel was sent to Mary?

Jesus did many things

Jesus grows up to be an adult and he sets out on a three year mission. Jesus did many things during that time. Jesus preached about the Good News, healed the sick, forgave sins, and worked many miracles. Jesus taught people about the Kingdom of God and how precious it is. He taught about God’s marcy and how we receive it from God and give it to others. 

5.4 Jesus teaches

So far we have heard about the stories of white a few heroes who have loved God but keep falling short. But God has been preparing the people for the coming of someone who can fix the problem of sin. At last, God se

Jesus told stories when he taught. The stories are called parables. they are stories about things we know, but each one tells us something about God. 
A really well known one is called the Good Samaritan. Let’s look at that together quickly. 
A man was walking along the road when all of a sudden he gets into trouble with some robbers. The robbers leave him by the side of the road with nothing and no help. 
A priest walks by, but when he sees the man he crosses to the other side of the road. Another traveller sees the man and also crosses to the other side. Finally, a Samaritan comes along, sees the man and runs to help him. He cleans the man’s wounds, he takes him to an inn, he pays for him to recover there and he checks back in to see how he is doing. 

nds his son, Jesus. 

Talk it out with your parent

What do you think of the story? 

What does the story show us about what God is like? 

Jesus saves

A shepherd looks after sheep. What makes a good shepherd? One who cares for the sheep, feeds them, goes looking for them when they are lost. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. Jesus takes care of us, feed us and comes looking for us when we are lost. 

One way we get lost is when we do bad things. Bad things take us away from God. But what does God do? God send Jesus to come and rescue us, to help us, to save us. Jesus comes to restore us to life with God, to take away our sins and to show us the love of God. Jesus is the only one who can save us. 


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in Heaven, Jesus shows us how much you love us. Sometimes we forget you, sometimes we are afraid. Thank you for Jesus, who finds us and helps us so that we are never far from you. Help us to know Jesus and help us to bring Jesus to others. 

In the name of Jesus your Son. Amen. 

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

5.3 Jesus heals

Jesus healed many people and forgave their sins. Jesus could do this because he was God. 

In the Gospels we hear many stories about the miracles of Jesus but there is one in particular that is very important for you to know at your young age. 

Four young people had a friend who was paralysed – meaning he could not walk or move. The four friends carried him to the house where Jesus was teaching. But a huge crowd surrounded the house, they were everywhere and it meant the friends couldn’t get their friend close to Jesus, they couldn’t even see him! 

But they didn’t give up. They looked around and saw a way onto the roof of the house. They went up there, made a hole in the rood and lowered their friend down to Jesus. 

Jesus saw the faith of the friends and said to the paralysed man, “Your sins are forgiven.” The friend got up, pickled up his mat and went home. He was healed. 

What happened here is that Jesus forgave this man’s sins. Only God can forgive sins, so it shows us that Jesus is God. This also shows us that Jesus wants to heal us. Not just our bodies, but our souls too. Jesus wants us to come to him when our hearts are hurt and when they need to be healed from sin. 

Do you know how Jesus chooses to heal us from sin? Jesus does it through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

Why do you think Jesus wants us to go to a priest to receive his forgiveness? Because Jesus wants us to hear out loud that we are loved and forgiven. Jesus speaks through the priest these words – I absolve you of your sins. When we hear those words we know that Jesus has forgiven us for what we have done wrong and that Jesus will be with us to help us to stop doing those bad things. 

Talk it out with your parent

How amazing is it that Jesus wants so much for us to hear that we are loved and forgiven that he chooses to forgive us through a priest?

Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, Your Son, Jesus, came to save us from sin. He teaches us and heals us. He is always with us. Thank you for loving us so much that you sent him to die for us. Help us to love him more every day. Bless our families, our teachers, and our friends. Help us to love them as you love us. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

First Reconciliation - Week 6


Today we will hear about the Church, where it came from, and how it leads us to Jesus. The Church is our home as a family of faith and it is our guide on our own journey to heaven. 

6.1 Stain Glass window

Print off the image below and colour it in like a stain glass window with lots of colour. Or you can find a piece of paper and draw and colour the Church.

First Reconciliation 7

6.3 The Church continues Jesus’ work 

The Church is always reaching out to people, serving people, and making God’s love known in the world. 

Let’s think about the Church, who is a part of the Church. In no particular order. 

You have the Pope, he is the leader of the Church here on earth and he is meant to listen closely to God and lead by serving. The Pope follows in the role that Peter had from Jesus.

You have priests and bishops, they work with the Pope across the world to bring Jesus to as many people as possible. 

You have all of us too! We are members of the Church and we make up a great number across the world. There are more than 2 billion Christians across the world, what a number! What is our role in the Church? Well we are meant to tell others about Jesus, wea re meant to share the Good News that Jesus has had victory over death and invites us into his family. 

How else can we share the Good News? Well we can tell others that Jesus is present in their lives, that Jesus loves them and wants them to say yes to being part of his family. We can be kind to others, treating everyone with respect. We can do little acts of kindness for people. 

Talk it out with your parent

In what ways can you bring others to Jesus? 

6.4 Video


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in Heaven, You gave us Jesus to save us. Jesus gives us your Church to teach us and make him present to us. Help us love your Church. Help us build your kingdom on earth. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

6.2 What happened after Jesus went back to the Father?

Last week we learned about things that Jesus did on earth. Jesus healed, he taught and he saved. Jesus is the only one who could repair the damage done by Adam and Eve and those who came after them. Only Jesus could bring us to relationship with God. 

Now Jesus is getting ready to return to the Father in Heaven. What will happen to the people who knew Jesu son earth? Will they be able to live as Jesus taught? What will happen if they fall into sin? Who will teach other people about Jesus? 

Jesus has a plan 

Fortunately for us Jesus had a plan for this. Jesus knew he was going to go to the Father so he put a plan in place. That plan was to give us the Church. The Church continues the work of Jesus here on earth.

One day Jesus took the apostles on a journey. Jesus asked them a question, who do they think he is? Peter replies with the right answer, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replies, “I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.” 

This is the moment Jesus starts his Church. Peter will be the leader and the other apostles will help. 

Jesus taught, healed and saved. Now Jesus teaches, heals and saves through the Church. 

Talk it out with your parent

Who is the leader of the Church while Jesus is in heaven? 

What does the Church do?

6.5 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, Your Church is for everyone everywhere. Jesus gives it to us to show his love for the whole world. He gives us his Mother to be our mother, and he gives us the saints to pray for us. Thank you for your Church. Thank you for everyone in heaven and on earth who loves us and prays for us. Bless our families, our teachers, and our friends. Help us to love them as you love us. In the name of Jesus your Son. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

First Reconciliation - Week 7

WEEK 7 – The Sacraments bring us God’s love

In our last lesson, we learned that Jesus gave us the Church. Today we will learn how the sacraments help us to be close to Jesus and receive God’s grace

7.1 Signs and Symbols

Bring this activity with you to our Saturday gathering (9th December)

Find a piece of paper, draw a picture of a sign or symbol in your home that means something to your family. Something that has a story behind it. Maybe a photo, a crucifix, a football top, dried flowers from a wedding day, something like. 

7.2 Why did Jesus give us the Sacraments?

Jesus knew that he was going to go back to his Father so before he did that Jesus gathered his Apostles together. Jesus gave to them power to continue his life and mission on earth. That meant the Apostles went out into the world to preach the Gospel and bring the Sacraments to people. 

Today, the priests and bishops of the Church follow in the footsteps of the Apostles, preaching the Gospel and bringing the Sacraments to the people. 

Jesus decided to do it this way so that he would always be with us, helping us, strengthening us, protecting us. We cannot see him as he was when he walked the earth, but Jesus wanted us to experience his love and life. So Jesus started the Sacraments to be an outward sign (something we can see) of an inward grace (something happening inside that we cannot see). Basically, Jesus gives us his life and love through the Sacraments. 

7.4 Sacraments are signs of God’s grace 

What is grace? It is a massive free gift. It is the biggest gift we could ever receive, it is God’s love. 
We can’t always see God’s love but it is important that we know God loves us. So Jesus decided to give us the Sacraments as a physical sign of his love. 
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation you will say sorry to God for the things you have done wrong. But, how do you know God forgives you? Well, Jesus wanted you to know you were forgiven so he made it a Sacrament. It means that we get to hear the wonderful words, “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Those words are Jesus’ words of forgiveness and Jesus wanted you to hear them said out loud through the priest. 
What’s more. These words are said out loud but something amazing is happening inside of you that you cannot see or hear. Jesus is working in your soul, cleaning it up, and actually forgiving you. Jesus is reconciling you to God and the Church. That’s amazing hey!

7.5 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, You give us the sacraments to make Jesus present in the world. You give them so that we can remain close to him no matter what is happening in our lives. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for your Church and your sacraments. Bless all the bishops, priests, and deacons who bring us your sacraments. Bless our families, our teachers, and our friends. Help us to love them as you love us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in Heaven, You gave us Jesus to save us. Jesus gives us your Church to teach us and make him present to us. Help us love your Church. Help us build your kingdom on earth. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

7.3 Seven Sacraments

There are seven Sacraments in total. You have already received one of them, Baptism. In the year ahead you will receive two more, Reconciliation and Eucharist. Let’s go through all seven.

Baptism – we are adopted into God’s family, the Church. Jesus takes away Original Sin. 

Reconciliation – Jesus forgives us for the sins (the bad things) we have chosen to do. 

Eucharist – Jesus feeds us with his very life. Jesus nourishes us for our spiritual journey. 

Confirmation – Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit so we can grow spiritually and go out to tell others about Jesus. 

Anointing of the Sick – Jesus heals our souls and strengthens our bodies. 

Matrimony – Jesus joins a man and woman together for married life together. Jesus gives them grace to raise any children they may have to know and love God. 

Holy Orders – Jesus continues his mission and life through the Apostles (Bishops, priests, deacons). 

Talk it out with your parent

What happens to the bread and wine in the Mass?

Why did Jesus gives us the Sacraments? 

How many of the seven have you heard of before? 

7.5 The Eucharist is amazing too 

What happens if you don’t eat for a while? You get hungry and you also get weak. It’s important to eat regularly. 

The same is true for your soul. You have to feed your soul regularly. Jesus knew this and gave us the Eucharist as food so that we could be nourished for the journey of our lives. It is important to eat this spiritual food regularly, that’s why the Church says come to Mass every Sunday because there is nothing better than to be fed spiritually. 

Up to now you have received food for your soul through hearing God’s word read aloud in the Bible. Very soon, you will also receive food for your soul in the Eucharist. 

Getting ready 

At School you learn lots of things and sometimes there is an exam to see how much you can remember. With the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist it is not about how much you know or remember, it about how open your heart is. Knowing all these things we have looked at is important but what Jesus wants more than anything is for your heart to be open for his arrival. Jesus arrives to you in the Sacraments, Jesus speaks with you (although not always in a way we might think) and Jesus wants you to be open to meeting him in that moment. 

Talk it out with your parent

How can you get ready to meet Jesus in the Sacraments? 


Your First Reconciliation Run Through

1 Your first reconciliation

Today we will hear we will learn about how to get ready to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will also learn what happens during the Sacrament. We will be confident when we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

2 Have you ever wondered what it is like to have Jesus forgive you?

Do you remember Peter? He was one of the Apostles. The Apostles were Jesus’ closest friends and followers. Jesus made Peter their leader, but Jesus knew that Peter was sometimes weak, like all of us. 

One night, Peter did something terrible. Some soldiers arrested Jesus and took him away. Some people in the crowd asked Peter if he was one of Jesus’ followers. Peter was afraid and denied even knowing Jesus, not just once but three times. Peter pretended that he never knew Jesus at all. 

When Peter realised what he had done he was ashamed and went away and cried. 

Later when Jesus rose from the dead Jesus came to Peter and they talked. 

4 Getting Ready for Reconciliation

We receive Jesus’ forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Receiving this Sacrament is the way Jesus wants us to know we are forgiven. 

We know that on the day of your First Reconciliation you may be a bit nervous because it is a new experience. You’re probably excited nervous or a little bit intrigued or a little bit scared. That’s ok. Just remember these important things: 

  • Everyone is there to help you. The Priest is there to help, your parent is there to help, the volunteers are there to help
  • It is good to memorise the words and the steps if you can, but don’t worry if you can’t, the Priest will help you anyway
  • You can print off anything on this page to have with you on the day
  • God loves you so much and is delighted that you want to go to your First Reconciliation. You’re showing him that you love him and want to get rid of the things that hold you back from loving him more
Parents – one of the best ways to prepare your child for their First Reconciliation is to practice the steps. You can create a little role play with your child. 

Some useful videos

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, It is hard to talk about things we have done wrong. Help us to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Help us be brave and honest about our sins. Help us remember that it is Jesus who listens and forgives us. We ask this in his name. Amen. 


Peter denied Jesus three times. Now Jesus gives Peter the opportunity to say come back from that place by telling of his love for Jesus three times. Three times, Jesus showed Peter his mercy and forgiveness, Jesus drew Peter back to him. Jesus healed his friend. 

Peter sinned, he was deeply sorry, Jesus forgave Peter and healed Peter and restored their relationship. 

The Church continues Jesus’ work 

We have spoken before about the Church continuing Jesus’ work. Well Jesus didn’t just want Peter to be forgiven and restored in love and healed. Jesus wanted each of us to have that opportunity as well. That is why Jesus gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

Jesus knows we are not perfect, Jesus knows that we are like Peter sometimes. When we go to Confession, we are showing Jesus that we love him and need his forgiveness. Jesus forgives us and shows us how much he loves us too. 

Talk it out with your parent

How are we like Peter? 

How do you think Peter felt after denying his friend Jesus? How do you think Peter felt after Jesus restored their friendship?

6 Steps

It is helpful to think of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as 6 steps: 

  1. We examine our conscience 
  2. We confess our sins 
  3. We receive guidance and gives us a penance prayer 
  4. We say sorry to God 
  5. Jesus forgives us through the priest 
  6. We pray the prayer the priest gave us, thank Jesus for his mercy and light a candle 

Handout – We have put together a sheet which we hope will help you. Go through the sheet at home as a practice. We will have printed copies on the Saturday of the First Reconciliation. CLICK HERE.

5 On the day of the First Reconciliation 

Children come with a parent. Your First Reconciliation is a great joy so the close immediate family are invited to share in this amazing moment. All the family are also invited to receive Jesus’ mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the same day as their child. There is plenty of time so please feel welcome to go as well. It is an amazing example and witness to your child as well. 

Stick to the time your group was given, we have spaced out the timings to allow for parents and other older children in the family to go. 

First Reconciliation - Week 8

WEEK 8 – Living the Life God wants us to

Now that we have learned how to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and what it does for us, we will learn about our call to holiness. We will also learn how Reconciliation helps us live happy and holy lives so that we can be the person God created us to be!

8.1 Holiness Habit Tracker

Go through this activity with your parents next week.

Have a look at the tracker below, print it off or create one like it. Make a list of the habits you would like to make a regular part of your life. Think of things like speaking kindly, being thoughtful, being generous, making time for prayer or helping someone in your family. For each habit, colour in a circle for every day that you practice it.

Holiness Habit Tracker

7.2 God has a plan for you

Jesus knew that he was going to go back to his Father so before he did that Jesus gathered his Apostles together. Jesus gave to them power to continue his life and mission on earth. That meant the Apostles went out into the world to preach the Gospel and bring the Sacraments to people. 

Today, the priests and bishops of the Church follow in the footsteps of the Apostles, preaching the Gospel and bringing the Sacraments to the people. 

Jesus decided to do it this way so that he would always be with us, helping us, strengthening us, protecting us. We cannot see him as he was when he walked the earth, but Jesus wanted us to experience his love and life. So Jesus started the Sacraments to be an outward sign (something we can see) of an inward grace (something happening inside that we cannot see). Basically, Jesus gives us his life and love through the Sacraments. 

7.4 Sacraments are signs of God’s grace 

What is grace? It is a massive free gift. It is the biggest gift we could ever receive, it is God’s love. 
We can’t always see God’s love but it is important that we know God loves us. So Jesus decided to give us the Sacraments as a physical sign of his love. 
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation you will say sorry to God for the things you have done wrong. But, how do you know God forgives you? Well, Jesus wanted you to know you were forgiven so he made it a Sacrament. It means that we get to hear the wonderful words, “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Those words are Jesus’ words of forgiveness and Jesus wanted you to hear them said out loud through the priest. 
What’s more. These words are said out loud but something amazing is happening inside of you that you cannot see or hear. Jesus is working in your soul, cleaning it up, and actually forgiving you. Jesus is reconciling you to God and the Church. That’s amazing hey!

7.5 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, You give us the sacraments to make Jesus present in the world. You give them so that we can remain close to him no matter what is happening in our lives. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for your Church and your sacraments. Bless all the bishops, priests, and deacons who bring us your sacraments. Bless our families, our teachers, and our friends. Help us to love them as you love us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, You made us to know you and to love you. And you made us to be happy with you forever. Teach us how to be holy, so we may be truly happy with you forever in heaven. Teach us why forgiveness really matters. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

7.3 Seven Sacraments

There are seven Sacraments in total. You have already received one of them, Baptism. In the year ahead you will receive two more, Reconciliation and Eucharist. Let’s go through all seven.

Baptism – we are adopted into God’s family, the Church. Jesus takes away Original Sin. 

Reconciliation – Jesus forgives us for the sins (the bad things) we have chosen to do. 

Eucharist – Jesus feeds us with his very life. Jesus nourishes us for our spiritual journey. 

Confirmation – Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit so we can grow spiritually and go out to tell others about Jesus. 

Anointing of the Sick – Jesus heals our souls and strengthens our bodies. 

Matrimony – Jesus joins a man and woman together for married life together. Jesus gives them grace to raise any children they may have to know and love God. 

Holy Orders – Jesus continues his mission and life through the Apostles (Bishops, priests, deacons). 

Talk it out with your parent

What happens to the bread and wine in the Mass?

Why did Jesus gives us the Sacraments? 

How many of the seven have you heard of before? 

7.5 The Eucharist is amazing too 

What happens if you don’t eat for a while? You get hungry and you also get weak. It’s important to eat regularly. 

The same is true for your soul. You have to feed your soul regularly. Jesus knew this and gave us the Eucharist as food so that we could be nourished for the journey of our lives. It is important to eat this spiritual food regularly, that’s why the Church says come to Mass every Sunday because there is nothing better than to be fed spiritually. 

Up to now you have received food for your soul through hearing God’s word read aloud in the Bible. Very soon, you will also receive food for your soul in the Eucharist. 

Getting ready 

At School you learn lots of things and sometimes there is an exam to see how much you can remember. With the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist it is not about how much you know or remember, it about how open your heart is. Knowing all these things we have looked at is important but what Jesus wants more than anything is for your heart to be open for his arrival. Jesus arrives to you in the Sacraments, Jesus speaks with you (although not always in a way we might think) and Jesus wants you to be open to meeting him in that moment. 

Talk it out with your parent

How can you get ready to meet Jesus in the Sacraments? 


Welcome to your preparation for

First Holy Communion - Week 1


Today we will learn about the ways God provided for the Israelites and how Jesus provided for his disciples. We will hear about the miracles Jesus performed to feed people’s bodies and nourish their hearts. This will help us understand why we call Jesus the Bread of Life. 

1.1 Letter to God

Bring this activity with you to our Saturday gathering (16th March)

Find a piece of paper, write a Letter to God about your First Reconciliation and how you felt knowing you were forgiven. Bring the letter with you when we meet on Saturday 16th March for the Mass together. It will be part of the offering during Mass. 

1.2 Why do we receive Jesus’ Body and Blood at Mass?

One day Jesus was teaching a very large crowd of people. The crowd had followed Jesus for a few days and were very hungry. The disciples started to worry about how the crowd would get food. 

Andrew realised that a boy had some food but it was hardly anything, just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. That’s not enough for 5 thousand people. 

However, Jesus took what the boy offered, he gave thanks to God for them and then gave the people as much as they needed to eat. Everyone ate loads. When they were finished, Jesus asked his disciples to gather up the leftovers. The leftover bread filled 12 whole baskets. 

It was an amazing miracle! Imagine begin there. 

The next day the people wanted more miracles. But Jesus replied that he wanted to give them something more important that ordinary bread. Jesus could give them the bread of eternal life. When we eat ordinary bread we get hungry again, but the bread from God is different. Jesus doesn’t mean that our tummies will never be hungry again, but that the Bread of Life fills our souls with God’s life. It brings us closer to God than we can ever imagine. 

1.4 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, We know that Jesus suffered, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and now sits at your right hand. He gave his life for us so we can know you and love you. Thank you for loving us and giving us your Son. Thank you for his saving work and the joy of his presence in the Holy Eucharist. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. Father in heaven, You have always fed your people, no matter where they are. Today you feed your Church in the Holy Eucharist. Teach us to know Jesus in the Eucharist. We ask this in his name. Amen.

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.


The people asked Jesus to give them this bread. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life, anyone who comes to me shall not hunger, and anyone who believes in me shall never thirst … I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, they will life for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.” 

The Bread of Life is Jesus’ own Body. The Bread of Life is the Eucharist. We receive Jesus’ Body and Blood at Mass. 

After some time Jesus gathered the disciples and those closest to Him for a meal, it is called The Last Supper. Jesus took the bread and said, “This is my Body.” Jesus took the chalice of wine and said, “This is the chalice of my Blood.” Jesus then told the apostles to carry on doing this. 

When we gather together at Mass the priest continues what Jesus did at The Last Supper. The priest takes the bread and wine and says, “This is my Body … This is my Blood.” And the bread and the wine become Jesus’ Body and Blood, just as Jesus said it would. 

Talk it out with your parent

What happens to the bread and wine in the Mass?


First Holy Communion - Week 2


Today we will learn about the Mass. We will learn about how Jesus gave us the Eucharist. He did this at the Last Supper, which is also when he gave us the priesthood.

2.1 Letter to God

If you haven’t done this already, make sure you do this activity. 

Bring this activity with you to our Saturday gathering (16th March)

Find a piece of paper, write a Letter to God about your First Reconciliation and how you felt knowing you were forgiven. Bring the letter with you when we meet on Saturday 16th March for the Mass together. It will be part of the offering during Mass. 

2.2 Why do we receive Holy Communion at Mass?

On the night before Jesus was going to die he gathered together his disciples for a meal, it is called the Last Supper. During the meal, Jesus took the bread, He blessed it, broke it and gave it to them saying, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 

Then Jesus lifted up a cup of wine, gave thanks and gave it to the disciples saying, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” 

It may seem strange that Jesus called the bread his body, but the disciples had heard this before. Remember last week we heard that Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” and “The bread which I shall give you is my flesh.” Jesus had been getting the disciples ready for this moment at this meal. 

This meal that Jesus shared with the disciples was the very first Mass. It was also the very first time the disciples receive Holy Communion. This was Jesus’ gift to them before he died. 

2.4 Video

2.6 Priesthood

At the Last Supper Jesus gave us Holy Communion as a gift. But Jesus also gave us another gift, the gift of the Priesthood. Jesus told the Apostles to continue celebrating this meal with others. They did exactly what Jesus asked, they celebrated Mass for other people. 

The Faith spread quickly and soon the Apostles weren’t enough in number to help care for all the Christians. So they ordained bishops, which means they passed on to other men the authority to care and look after local groups of Christians. 

This still goes on today. We are part of a diocese which is called Westminster. There is a bishop who leads this area and all the priests of Westminster work with the bishop to care for the Christian people. All of us are cared for by the priests. It is a beautiful way that Jesus wanted us to be cared for, to receive his very own life in Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion. 

Talk it out with your parent

Why are there priests? 

What do you think makes a good priest?


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

Father in heaven, On the night before he died, Jesus and his disciples had their last meal together, and Jesus fed them with his own Body and Blood. Help us to know him and love him when we receive him in Holy Communion. We ask this in his name. Amen.

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.


Jesus also wanted the disciples to share this gift with others later. So Jesus said to the disciples to go out and carry on celebrating the Mass so that people could receive Jesus’ body and blood in Holy Communion. 

The priests we have here at St Benedict’s are continuing what Jesus gave to the disciples. During the Mass they say the same words Jesus said and the bread and wine becomes Jesus’ body and blood. It still looks like bread and wine but it really is Jesus’ body and blood because Jesus said so. 

Talk it out with your parent

When was the first Holy Communion? 

What did Jesus say at the Last Supper? 

Why do you think the bread and wine still appear to be bread and wine after they have become Jesus’ body and blood?

2.5 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

A sacrifice is a gift we give God. It is an act of love. In the Old Testament priests offered sacrifices to God for the Israelites. When Jesus died on the Cross, he offered himself as a perfect sacrifice (a perfect gift). 

When we celebrate the Mass together, we are joining together to make present what happened on the Cross. Standing next to us at Mass is Mary our Mother, all the angels, all the saints, all of Heaven! Isn’t that amazing. 

Mass is also known by another name called the Eucharist. Eucharist is a Greek word, do you know what it means? Thanksgiving. 

When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion we give thanks. We give thanks for God’s creation. We give thanks for his goodness. We give thanks for Jesus and what he has done for us.

2.7 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, You freed the Israelites from slavery and gave them manna to eat in the desert. Jesus changed water to wine and brought joy to a wedding party. He fed thousands of his followers with a few loaves of bread. In the Mass, he feeds us with himself. Thank you for feeding us. Thank you for the gift of your Son and the joy of his presence. Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

First Holy Communion - Week 3


Today we will learn what the Eucharist is. It is much more than a symbol, Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. This happens by transubstantiation. We will learn what that big word means. 

3.1 Don't Forget - Letter to God

If you haven’t done this already, make sure you do this activity. 

Bring this activity with you to our Saturday gathering (16th March)

Find a piece of paper, write a Letter to God about your First Reconciliation and how you felt knowing you were forgiven. Bring the letter with you when we meet on Saturday 16th March for the Mass together. It will be part of the offering during Mass. 

3.2 How we know that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ?

While Jesus walked the earth he worked many miracles. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, changed water into wine, walked on water, multiplied the loaves and fishes. Jesus could do these miracles because he is God the Son. 

Jesus told the people that they must eat his Flesh and drink his Blood to have his life in them. It was the strangest thing to say. But at the Last Supper, Jesus showed the Apostles how this would happen. Jesus took ordinary bread and wine, performed another miracle, and changed them into his Body and Blood. 

As Catholics we know Jesus was really saying the truth, that the bread and wine do become Jesus’ Body and Blood. Jesus is performing this miracle, this change, at every Mass, through the priest. 

The bread looks like bread still, and the wine looks like wine still, but they really are Jesus’ Body and Blood. They really are Jesus.

3.5 Why the Eucharist?

In the very early days of the Church there was this saying – “God became one of us so that we might become God.”

What does that mean? God became human in Jesus, so that we humans might be able to have God’s life within us. 

Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a gift so that we could receive his very own life into us. That’s amazing right! When we go to communion we actually receive Jesus’ life into us. 

We should go as often as we can because Jesus’ life is strength for this journey of life. Holy Communion is spiritual food for our spiritual life. Just like you need physical food to stay alive and to thrive, so too you need the spiritual food of the Eucharist to stay alive spiritually and thrive spiritually. So, go to Mass regularly. Encourage your family to come too. It’s really important and it is really an amazing opportunity to spend time with Jesus. We should all go weekly to Mass, to spend time with our friend Jesus. 

3.7 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven, We know that Jesus is truly present in the tabernacle at church. We know that he is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Thank you for the great gift of your Son. Thank you for his saving work and the joy of his presence in the Eucharist. In his name, we pray Amen.

Let us pray the Our Father together. 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

Father in heaven, We know that Jesus is here with us. We know that he is truly present in the Eucharist. Teach us to know him and love him in Holy Communion. Help us receive him with pure hearts. We ask this in his name. Amen

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

3.3 Transubstantiation

The change that takes place is called by a big name, transubstantiation. The appearance doesn’t change, but the substance does. 

We still see bread, we still taste bread, we still feel bread, but it is no longer bread. The substance, the reality, has become Jesus’ Body. 

This happens because Jesus said it would. And it is something we can only see through the eyes of faith. By faith we know they have changed. By faith we know that at Mass it really is Jesus. 

Talk it out with your parent

How can we grow in faith of Jesus and believe his words more? 

3.4 Video

3.6 Miracles

Sometimes we can think that the miracles stopped when Jesus went to Heaven. But that’s not true. There have been many miracles that have happened in the past 2,000 years since Jesus ascended to Heaven. Jesus works through people and brings about lots of different miracles. 

One miracle that happens every day is at Mass, where the bread and wine change into Jesus’ Body and Blood. As we said earlier, it isn’t something we see with our physical eyes, we need the eyes of faith. 

BUT, sometimes God allows the change to also be visible to our physical eyes. On rare occasions, God has changed the substance of the bread and wine into Jesus’ Body and Blood.

These are known as Eucharistic miracles and they happen from time to time. You can get your parents to Google them. This happens sometimes to help us see that Jesus’ words are actually true. We really are receiving Jesus’ life into us at every holy communion. What an honour. 

Talk it out with your parent

Are we going to Mass enough? Should we try to go more often? 

Why do you think Jesus’ body and blood normally appears to be bread and wine? 

First Holy Communion - Week 4

week 4 – The Eucharist Changes Us

Today we will learn about how important the Eucharist is for us as members of the Catholic Church. We will see that we celebrate the Eucharist as a family of faith and that it helps us get closer to God and one another!

4.1 What was the best thing about the Mass on Saturday 16th March?

What one thing did you learn that you didn’t know already? 

4.2 How did Jesus prepare the Apostles’ hearts to receive their first Communion?

Jesus and the Apostles were sharing the Last Supper together. While they were eating Jesus did something surprising. He got up from the table and poured water into a basin. He tied a towel around his waist and began to wash their feet. 

Jesus is God the Son, why would he do this to the Apostle’s feet? He did it to show them how much he loved them. Jesus also washed their feet to show them how they should love one another. Remember, Jesus made the Apostles the first priests of his Church, when he washed their feet he showed them what Christian love means. 

When we love someone we serve them. Jesus was showing the Apostles how to love one another and how to love the people who would come to believe in Jesus. 

We also wash to get ready for something. Jesus was also washing the Apostle’s hearts. Jesus was making their hearts ready to recognise him in the Eucharist. We can only see with eyes of faith that Jesus is present in the Eucharist if we are humble. By allowing Jesus to wash their feet the Apostles were becoming very humble. 

During the Mass Jesus also prepares our hearts to receive Jesus. Remember at the beginning of the Mass the Priest says, “Let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.” Listen out for these words at Mass. This is the moment where Jesus wants to wash our hearts and get them ready for Holy Communion. 

4.4 What does the Eucharist do? 

The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” It is the beginning of being a Christian and it is the very top point of being a Christian. It is the most important part of our week and the foundation for everything we do in our life. The Eucharist gives us the courage to live our lives as faithful followers of Jesus. 

When you receive Holy Communion for the first time you will be closer to Jesus than you have ever been before. What do you think it will be like to receive Jesus into your soul in this way? 

The Eucharist also makes us closer to the Church, the family of God. Sometimes we can think the Church is a building, but really the Church is people, the family that Jesus has gathered together. Jesus wants us to live this life as his followers alongside other people. We are meant to live this life on our own and that is why Jesus gives us this local family of ours at Saint Benedict’s. 

4.6 Video


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

Father in heaven, When we go to Mass, we know something important is happening there.We know Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist.Teach us how necessary the Eucharist is for all of us.Teach us to receive Jesus with love and respect.We ask this in his name. Amen.”

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

4.3 Talk it out with your parent

Why did Jesus wash the Apostles’ feet? 

How do we show someone we love them?

No greater grace 

When we receive Communion we receive Jesus’ very own life into us. There is no way on earth to be closer to Jesus. By allowing Jesus into us and into our lives we become more like Jesus. 

Jesus gives us many amazing gifts through Communion: 

  • Communion joins us more closely to Jesus 
  • Communion joins us more closely with the Church, the family of God. 
  • Communion nourishes our soul, giving it strength and energy (just like food nourishes our physical body) 
  • Communion strengthens our love for God and for others 
  • Communion helps us to become the person we were meant to be, the amazing person God wants us to be 

This is why it is so important to go to Mass weekly. It’s a really great time in your life to make a commitment to go to Mass regularly. And there are so many different Masses at St Benedict’s over a weekend which means we can fit a Mass into our busy life for every weekend. There is Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am, 10:15am, 10:30am, 12pm and even 7pm. 

Talk it out with your parent

If you haven’t been able to make Mass regularly, is there a way you can come more regularly? 

4.5 Talk it out with your parent

  • Sometimes families are busy. They go to Mass but must run to something else afterward, like a football game or for a food shop. How can you share the love of Jesus with others after Mass, even when everyone is busy?
  • What happens when Felicity and Mum light the candles? How is this similar to what happens when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion?
  • Like Dad’s milk and syrup in the video, when we are filled with God’s grace through the Eucharist, we need to stir it up. How can we stir up our grace and share it with others?

4.7 Closing Prayer

We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Father in heaven,  You give us the Eucharist to draw all of us close to you. You bring us together in your love.  When we receive Jesus, we will also receive the graces we need to serve you together. Thank you for the great gift of your Son. Thank you for his saving work and the joy of his presence in the Eucharist. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

First Holy Communion - Week 5

5.1 Jesus the Bread of Life

Today we will learn about the Mass as a sacrifice. In the Mass, the sacrifice of Christ is made present on the altar. Jesus himself is made present at Mass. He remains with us as the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. We will talk about how we celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice for us together as a family of faith.

5.2 Psalm 23 Painting

Bring this activity with you on Saturday to your Group.

Find a piece of paper and some pencils. Listen to the words of the Psalm as your parent reads them. 

What do you imagine as you listen to the words? What image of God comes to mind? Draw a picture of what you think of when you hear the Psalm. Bring this along with you on Saturday for the children’s group.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
for the sake of His name.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.


Have you ever heard of the word sacrifice before? It’s a big word, what does it mean? Sacrifice means a gift. 

In the Old Testament the people would sacrifice their animals to God. That means they would give their animals as a gift to God. But we already said, God didn’t want this to be the case for the New Testament. So what did Jesus do? 

Jesus died on the cross for you and me. Jesus made a gift of himself for us, so that we can have life with God. 

When you get a gift what do you do? You normally say a big thank you to the person giving it to you. 

Well God has given us the biggest gift you could ever receive. God has given you the gift of life, the gift of love, the gift of friendship with Him, the gift of living forever with Him, the gift of being forgiven. The gift is Jesus and it is such a big gift that we could go on and on describing it for a long time. 

And that’s what we do at Mass, we give thanks to God for the great gift of Jesus. That’s why the Mass is also known as the Eucharist, which literally means thanksgiving. 


Did you hear that? Jesus sacrificed Himself for you, and gave you new life. So we go to Church every Sunday to give thanks, to be with Jesus and to be with our Church family.

Did you also hear what we give to God? We give our very best  – our thoughts, our hearts, our very self. We give ourselves to God because God has given us everything. 

Closing Prayer

Father in heaven,  Long ago, you taught your people to worship you. You taught them to praise you, thank you, and make sacrifices.  Now we worship you at Mass. The priest makes Jesus’ Holy Sacrifice on the Cross present to us on the altar, and we join our sacrifice to his.  Thank you for the gift of your Son. Thank you for our priests, our parish, and all the people in it.  In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

Father in heaven, You are our Father ,and we want to love you more and more. You gave us your Son to show us the way. Teach us to worship you. Fill us with joy as we worship you at Mass .We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

5.3 What is Worship?

What is Worship? It is love and honour that we give to God. The best way we can love and honour God is by going to Mass. At Mass we worship God through our prayers and songs. We listen to God speaking to us through the readings and the prayers, and we speak to God through our prayers and songs. 

Mass is amazing because we receive so much from God. He feeds us with His Body and Blood, it is food for the journey. God also gives us tons of friendship with others at Church, our brothers and sisters in faith. God also speaks to us through the Bible readings. 

But what about us and our part? God is prepared to give us so much, but what are we prepared to do? 

Throughout the Old Testament the people would give their best to God. People would travel on foot for miles to meet with God at the Temple. They would come with their best animals or harvest to give to God through the Temple. 

Obviously, now you don’t see animals at Church because God doesn’t want us to give him animals. God taught us what he wants us to give through Jesus, the Son of God.

Talk it out with your parent

What do you think God wants us to give to him? 

5.5 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

So what are we meant to give to God? If it is not animals anymore, what could it be? Let’s what this video together.

First Holy Communion - Week 6

Week 6 – Ready to Receive

Today we will learn why the Eucharist is a gift. We know that we show gratitude when we open a gift. Today, we will discover how we prepare ourselves to celebrate the Eucharist.

6.2 The Best Gift

What’s the best gift you have ever received? Who gave you that gift? What made it the best gift?

Talk to your parent about these questions. 

6.3 Preparing ourselves

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus talks to his followers about taking their gifts to the altar. Jesus tells them to think first. Do you have a problem with anyone? Is there something you need to forgive? Jesus says, “First be reconciled, and then come and offer your gift.” 

Jesus is saying that before we go to the altar at Mass we need to be at peace with other people. If we are upset with someone or know that someone is upset with us, we need to work it out with them. It could be a brother, a sister, a neighbour, someone at school, a friend. Whoever it is, we must make an effort to be friendly with them again before we receive Communion during Mass. 

The most precious gift we will ever receive is the Eucharist. It is the gift of Jesus Christ himself. When we receive Jesus in communion our hearts are united to his. 

That’s why it’s really important to make sure we have prepared ourselves to receive Communion. We have access to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. That’s where, with Jesus, we sweep clean our soul. In our Church here we have Reconciliation available in the Church on Thursdays 7:30pm-8:15pm and Saturday, 10am-11am and 4pm-5pm. 

Try really hard to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with one of your parents before your First Holy Communion. 

Talk it out with your parent

When could you go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation before your First Holy Communion? 

How else can you prepare to receive Jesus in Communion?


We begin every prayer with the Sign of the Cross. 

Father in Heaven, You give us the Eucharist because you love us.You give us Confession so that we may come to Jesus with a pure heart.Teach us to receive Jesus in Holy Communion with reverence and love.We ask this in his name. Amen

Let us pray the Hail Mary together. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

6.4 Video

6.4 Closing Prayer

Father in heaven, You invite us to adore Jesus and talk to him in the Blessed Sacrament and in front of the tabernacle in any Catholic church. We thank you that he is always close to us. Thank you for the great gift of your Son. Thank you for his saving work and the joy of his presence in the Eucharist. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.