Giving to

Your Parish

Your faithful support sustains the mission of the Parish in sharing the gospel and serving those in need. It helps ensure our Parish is at the heart of the community and continues to be a place of prayer and worship.


Your gift makes a difference

Your generosity creates more opportunities for others to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. It helps our mission to help people encounter God and be brought into a relationship with Jesus, formed as disciples, and then sent out to transform the world.

Through your faithful giving, St Benedict’s is able to make a lasting impact here in our local community as we work to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church.

It’s possible to make a donation through the buttons below. 

Give by bank transfer

The quickest and most direct way to donate through our Parish PayPal. Another quick way is through bank transfer. Our account details are:

Account Name: The Trust of Saint Benedict’s Abbey, Ealing
Address: Ealing Abbey Parish, Charlbury Grove, London, W5 2DY
Account Number: 19123696
Sort Code: 16-00-15
Reference: Surname and Forename

Other ways to give

We have our normal offertory collection during Sunday Masses.

You can also make use of our electronic giving devices found in either of our Church porches. This allows you to give using your bank card.

Parish Lenten Appeal 2025

Support Ealing Abbey's Parish Lenten Appeal this year

You can make a donation towards Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) through our dedicated fundraising page or through bank transfer. Please just remember to include ‘Lent Appeal ECWNS’ as a reference.


Account Name: The Trust of Saint Benedict’s Abbey, Ealing
Address: Ealing Abbey Parish, Charlbury Grove, London, W5 2DY

Account Number: 19123696

Sort Code: 16-00-15

Reference: Lent Appeal
Lent Appeal ECWNS

100% goes to the Youth Group.

supporting Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter (ECWNS) to alleviate homelessness and provide help to rough sleepers