Good Shepherd Sunday

Good Shepherd Sunday will be on 21st April, the day we pray for priests and for vocations to the priesthood.

Good Shepherd Sunday

Good Shepherd Sunday will be on 21st April, the day we pray for priests and for vocations to the priesthood.
The second collection will be in support of the Priest Training Fund, which benefits the parishes and the Diocese of Westminster by providing us with new priests.
The Priest Training Fund pays for the training and education of seminarians at our seminary, Allen Hall. There are currently 49 men studying at Allen Hall seminary, 13 of whom are from our own Diocese. We also have one seminarian in Valladolid and one at the Beda, presently on pastoral placement in Ruislip. There are also two on a propaedeutic year at Redemptoris Mater. Last year 3 deacons were ordained for Westminster Diocese.
It costs on average £25,000 per man, per year of formation – that is about £150,000 to form and educate a new priest, who makes a lifetime commitment to Christ and the Church.
The Priest Training Fund also pays for the ongoing education and formation of our priests’ post‐ ordination. Priests are the heart of the Catholic Church. So, we ask you to please be generous in your support of this appeal and to continue to pray for vocations and our seminarians.
Donation envelopes are available today – please take one, read the information, and bring it back next week at Mass with your donation. You can also use this envelope to make a regular donation to the Priest Training Fund, and to find out more about our vocations team. You can also use the QR code on the envelope or poster to make your donation online or visit
PTF Parish Letter from Bishop Sherrington 2024
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