Holy Week

Attending any Mass on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday or Easter Saturday Vigil 9pm, requires a ticket. Click here to book

Dear Parishioner,

Attending any of the following liturgies will require a ticket:

– Maundy Thursday (6:30pm) (fully booked)

– Good Friday Liturgy (3:00pm) (fully booked)

– Holy Saturday Vigil (9:00pm) (fully booked)

(Please only attend the above if you have a ticket.)

The Liturgies will be live streamed. Click on the button below for our Live Stream.

Masses on Easter Sunday DO NOT require a ticket. 

Attending any of the following liturgies will require a ticket:

– Maundy Thursday (6:30pm) (fully booked)

– Good Friday Liturgy (3:00pm) (fully booked)

– Holy Saturday Vigil (9:00pm) (fully booked)

Masses on Easter Sunday DO NOT require a ticket. 

To apply for a ticket please email Deacon Gordon or Phone the Parish Office (for those not able to email) indicating: 

1. which of the three you would like to attend. You must express your preference of liturgy 2. your name 3. contact details 4. how many individuals you are booking for.

Note: You can apply for all three liturgies if you wish but once you have been allocated one booking you will go on the waiting list for any other.

Deadline for booking is Monday 29th March

Email – deacongordon@ealingabbey.org.uk

Phone number – 020 8194 2301

Thank you,

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Jubilee Year 2025

Follow up discussions

Join us on 8th January 2025 at 10am-11.30am OR  15th January 2025 at 7.30-8.45pm in the Parish Hall 

To follow up on discussions held in October 2024. All are welcome!

Growing in faith events