May angels lead you to Paradise. At your coming may martyrs receive you. And bring you ...


Please pray for our parishioners who have died in the past year

May angels lead you to Paradise.

At your coming may martyrs receive you

And bring you to the holy city of Jerusalem.

May holy angels take you and with Lazarus,

that poor man of old, may you have eternal rest

Sylvia Winifred Ainge

Stella Celesta Anna Agati

Terence Thomas Allen

Peter Averson-Maunder

Cecily Mary Eleanor Bennett

Ida Boscarelli-Bottali

Dominic George Brown

Theresia Buchanan

Jose John Cabanas

Patricia Cahill

Fr. Gregory Chilman

Ingeborga Krystyna Cochlin

Admiral Anthony Cooke

James Justin Patrick Donovan

Anne Ellis

Bridget Garlick

Frances Garvey

Michael Anthony Gordon

Ninette Carmen Green

Lester John Hartnett

Danuta Barbara Anna Hauke

Benita Ann Hawlin

Patrick Valentine Eliot Howard

Henry Hunt

Monica Lewis

Theresa Moore

Theresa Muriel Wilson Hussey

Jean Lilian Hutchins

Mirta Jastrzebska

Olivia Jordan

Maria Kapuscinska

Theresa King

Michael Kulwiec

Sheila Lowe

Marie-Reine Maingot

Winifred Mary Malone

Ann Christine Marcantonio

Andrew Marsden

Christopher Noel McCauley

Magdeleine Jane McCosker

Declan Joseph McHale

Pamela Anne McKenna

Eoin McLoughlin

Geoff McMullen

Michael McSwiggan

Masako Mary Miyamatsu

Anna Musial

Francis Patrick O’Beirne

Thomas O’Boyle

Patricia Yvonne O’Callaghan

Daryl John James O’Connor

John Peecock

Patricia Peecock

Ann Veronica Rafferty

Lucy Riley

Marie-Frances Rodrigues

Michael Victor Rodrigues

Sheila Mary Rooney

Marjatta Rossi

Helen Mary Patricia Sauven

Eileen Scott

Stanley Sekaz

Dennis Shalloe

Michele Silvio Antony Tedeschi

William Tracy

Lili Wareham

Richard Thomas Wheeler

Elizabeth Ann Wood

Joseph Young

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Be a Pilgrim of Hope this Jubilee Year

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