Keeping in touch

Here is how you can stay in touch with your Parish Church.

Dear Parishioner,

We wanted to draw your attention to a few changes to Parish communications. Some have come about through necessity but it presents a welcome opportunity to modernise. 

New Website – By now you may have realised that we have a new Parish website. This change allows us to reach a wider audience with much better visuals. It is more fitting for our mission to preach the Gospel. Have a look around and why not share a few pages with family and friends?
Telephone numbers – Our telephone numbers will be changing. From 1st September 2020 the direct number to the Parish Office will be 020 8194 2301. There is now a direct line to the Catechetical Coordinator, which will be 020 8194 2303. Alternatively, the main number for the Trust of St Benedict’s Abbey is 020 8194 2300, from which you will be able to select options for the Parish, Monastery, Benedictine Institute, EACS and all of the Trust operations. Our existing numbers will be transferred to the new mainline for a temporary transitionary period.
eNewsletter – We have a new means of staying up to date with the Parish, our new eNewsletter. We will send weekly news to your inbox. Be sure to sign up for the next edition below.
Register here to receive the next edition of our eNewsletter:
Ways to get involved


Be a Pilgrim of Hope this Jubilee Year

We have various volunteering roles available in the Parish. See a list of roles available here.

Growing in faith events