News & Bulletins
Check out the latest news in the Parish and find our latest Newsletter.
The next fortnightly e-newsletters are scheduled for 14th & 28th March 2025, these are extended versions of the parish bulletin. If you would like to receive these, please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page to be added to our mailing list, or reach out to Chelle.

Join God's Family
Enquirers Group
Interested in becoming a Catholic Christian? Explore the Catholic faith through our RCIA group
Baptism prep
We have a preparation course, helping parents discover God’s plan for your child to grow in relationship with God.
The Latest news from St Benedict's

The Feast of Christ the King
We acknowledge Christ as our King when we make four priorities: private prayer, the Mass and Confession, looking out for the needs of others and always acting in accord with our informed conscience.

Parish Advent Retreat 2024
Join us for our Parish Advent Retreat on Saturday, 7th December 2024 9am-2pm All are welcome! Costs: £5 for soup and sandwiches. Please RSVP for

Jesus’ vision of the future
We live in an age of uncertainty where the future never looks wholly secure. But Jesus holds out a vision that takes us beyond our worst imaginings.

God invites us to give in faith and generosity
When God invites us to give—whether it’s our time, our resources, or simply our trust—how do we respond? Are we willing to let go of what we have, even when it feels uncomfortable, even when it means giving from our “last handful of flour”?

God commands us to listen and hear him
We see that there are not two commandments, but three. Shema, Listen, is an imperative too.

Having faith in Jesus the Messiah
We must all have faith and acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah – our Saviour. We must accept the gift of the fullness of life, which we received at baptism.

“What’s in it for me?”
The test of greatness is not, “What can I get out of this?” but rather, “What service can I give?”

Understanding The Word of God
“I prayed and Understanding was given me to me, and the spirit of Wisdom came to me!”

Thank you! An update on the New Lectionaries & Parish Mass Books
A heartfelt thank you to all our donors who have contributed towards the costs of our new lectionaries and mass books.