Prepare for the Second Coming

The “signs” are not necessarily dramatic, as in the Second Coming, and we can easily miss them. That’s why we need to “Stay awake! Be alert!”

Dear Parishioner,

“Stay awake! Be alert – your liberation is close at hand!” On this first Sunday of Advent, we’re invited into a time of holy waiting as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus.

Firstly, we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus 2000+ years ago. It’s a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for the birth of Jesus – when the Word became Flesh and lived among us. He became one of us, so that, in Him, we might recognise that we are children of God and brothers and sisters to one another.

Luke goes on tell us about the Second Coming, at the end of time, when Jesus will come “in a cloud with power and great glory!”

Yet there is another kind of “coming” which is the coming of Jesus into our minds and hearts. – This presence of Jesus in us and in our world is both in the past, the future and NOW! It is happening! The “signs” are not necessarily dramatic, as in the Second Coming, and we can easily miss them. That’s why we need to “Stay awake! Be alert!”

This is a challenge for most of us! After all, we have so many legitimate concerns: the cost of living, the future of our children, and so many more – not forgetting the terrible and fearful happenings in our world, broadcast daily by the media.

It’s hardly surprising if we miss the slow yet sure growth of the Kingdom of God in us and among us which is often hidden except from those who “stay awake” and “pay attention.” Small yet wonderful discoveries, such as the kindness of strangers, a word of encouragement, a helping hand or a listening ear, don’t only cheer us up but they are signs of the Kingdom and give us HOPE. It can be helpful to share them with others – family, community or friends or even someone I meet on the bus! In so doing, we will be helping to build up the body of Christ and preparing the way for the Second Coming of Jesus in glory.

Sr. Marie McDonald

Sunday 2nd Feb 2025

Parish In-Council

Join us on Sunday, 2nd Feb 2025 from 2.30-4.30pm in the Parish Hall 

For an update on core Parish activities. All welcome!

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