The visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

4th Sunday of Advent (Year C) 22nd December 2024

Dear Parishioner

You’re coming to see me! I can’t wait!
The video-call; Facetime; Zoom; Teams! They’re amazing and they make such a difference when time and location make it impossible to meet up in person. But they are always, and will always be, second best. Yes, better than emailing, texting or a phone call. But nothing beats calling into see someone or meeting up for a coffee, meal etc.

These moments of encounter, of just being with each other take on a deeper more meaningful significance when that other person has died or can no longer communicate the way they used to or have moved away to another country or continent. It is a good and wonderful thing to be able to say, “Yes, I’m so glad we spent quality time with each other. I’m so glad, I made the effort, made the time.”

Our Gospel today, the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth is a wonderful moment and an incredible encounter. After being told some incredible and earthshattering news, what is the first thing Mary does, even though she is now with child? She immediately makes the four day journey into the hill country of Judea to visit and be with her older cousin Elizabeth and see for herself yet more earthshattering news. And in the moment when she arrives and sets eyes on Elizabeth, something more incredible happens, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and the babe in her womb leaps for joy!

That sensation, that urgency that tells you, drives you, to go and see to be near, to be with someone who will understand, who will be able to help you make sense of this incredible shocking and life-changing news. The joy and instant recognition of realities that point beyond what the eye can see. This ultimately is a celebration of God. The Holy One taking the initiative and coming into our world in the most intimate and vulnerable way possible.
Make time to visit the ones you love this Christmas!

Sr Josette Mangion IBVM  

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