Angels singing! A star to Guide

The Baptism of Our Lord (Year C) 12th January 2025

Dear Parishioner

Angels Singing! A Star to Guide! A Man sent by God to prepare the way. And finally, a Voice from heaven!  Signs and wonders of a drama of preparation for the arrival, the beginning of something totally new, never seen before, something earth-chattering and never imagined.

What are the angels singing? “Gloria to God in the Highest and peace to people of Good will!”  What is this Star doing?  Where is it taking people? The Star is to guide people who see it.  The Star is for people who notice it and are compelled to follow it, wherever it leads them. The Wise men are such people.  They recognise in this Star something extraordinary, something wonderful, something announcing to the world a new beginning, a new world order a new reality.  A tiny child born in a stable surrounded by animals at Bethlehem. A child who is to be the Saviour of the world! 

And now the final preparation, John, sent by God, whose destiny and life goal, is to prepare, to point to and shout from the hilltops to those listening, waiting for, the one who will save them.  Once he has done this, his mission, his life, is complete.   And then the ultimate in affirmation. The Voice from heaven!  The Voice that tells us: “You are my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased”

Do you see? Have you noticed? Are you ready to follow him, to be guided by him, to allow him into your life? Will you let his words, his life, death and resurrection, change you, mould you? Are your prepared to be his light to all nations of the world?   

That is our challenge in this new year of 2025, this Jubilee Year of being “Pilgrims of Hope!”

Fr Ambrose OSB, PP

Ways to get involved


Be a Pilgrim of Hope this Jubilee Year

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