Are you searching for anything or anyone? Would you know if you found it or them?

Dear Parishioner,

Climbing mountains; walking, listening and being by the sea.  Running through fields, searching, craving, crying out for inspiration, for enlightenment, for meaning, for inner peace of mind, soul and body. Is that you?  Do you feel settled in life or is something restless within you?  What is life about for you?  Are you Searching for anything or anyone?  Would you know, if you found it or them?

Zacchaeus was searching for something.  But did he know for what or for who? Something stirred inside him. Something called him and pushed him to search, to hear, to see this traveling preacher who is making his way to Jerusalem! But the crowd is too big. Zacchaeus too small. So, he climbs a tree. 

Jesus passes by, looks up and invites himself to Zacchaeus’ house.  Amazingly and surprisingly, this travelling preacher was looking for someone too.  He reached out too.  He wanted to set him free, to break the chains that were destroying Zacchaeus’ life.  Jesus was looking for Zacchaeus too and wanted to set him free. 

Jerusalem is Jesus’ final destination.  He meets people on that journey. To those who are open, have eyes to see and ears to hear his message and the nearness of the kingdom, he changes them forever.  They find new life, new meaning, salvation and are restless no more.  They now know where they are going what true meaning and true life now is.  

Climb that tree.  Be consumed by the encounter with the Salvation of the World! Don’t rest until you find him.  Keep looking. keep climbing, being by the sea, walking, running, meander if you have to, (but don’t go too far).  Face your fate because it just might just be the place, the moment, where you find Jesus and discover that Jesus was searching for you too and saying “I must stay at your house today!”  

Yours in Christ,

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