Dear Parishioner,

We have all experienced the fresh start that September brings. Every year September brings around the start of a new school year. If like me you’re getting on a bit in age then perhaps it’s more of a distant memory. But for those children and parents in our community the start of the new school year will generate a wide range of emotions from worry and concerns to maybe even a little bit of excitement! 

We’re not on our own though, have you ever thought that 2,000 years ago that Our Lady, Mary, may well have gone through the same experiences as parents have this week? Jesus would have undertaken some form of education; Mary would have been getting him ready for his first day as he went off for his first lessons. I wonder what thoughts and feeling she had? 

So if you have experienced carrying your own cross these last few days as you prepare for these changes, whether it’s worrying about tears at the school gates, taking tentative steps making new school friends, entering the final school year, whatever cross you bear Jesus is there with you ready to help carry your cross, ready to help with your worries, all you need to do is to reach out to him and ask for help….. Jesus is ready and waiting!

In Christ,

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