New Lectionaries & Parish Mass books

Help us enhance our worship and support our Parish this Advent.

Coming Advent 2024!

What we will be purchasing?

We need to purchase The Ambo and Chapel Edition Lectionaries, Book of the Gospels and six volumes of the Parish Mass books including 5 large print editions of each. 

Our target is £5,660.25 broken down as follows:
£1,160.25 Lectionaries 
£4,500.00 Mass books


If you’d like to buy a complete Lectionary edition set, we could include a sticker that can be inscribed as a token of our gratitude. This is a wonderful opportunity to honour loved ones or commemorate your family’s contribution to our Parish community.

Lectionary Ambo Edition = £695
Lectionary Chapel Edition = £695
Book of the Gospels = £275
Total = £1,365 – 15% discount = £1,160.25

If you would like to see a sample Lectionary, please speak to Fr Ambrose.


To meet our needs, we need to acquire six editions each containing 300 books. The three-year cycle has two mass books for each year, these are Advent to Easter and Ordinary time. At £5 a book, the cost for each edition totals £1,500. This significant but essential investment will ensure our liturgical celebrations align with the new lectionary.

Part 1 – Year C £1,500
Part 2 – Year A £1,500
Part 3 – Year B £1,500
Total £4,500

Ways you can help:

  • Give whatever you can
  • £50 buys us 10 mass books
  • £100 buys us 20 mass books
  • £500 buys us 100 mass books
  • £1000 buys us 200 mass books

Ways you can contribute:

   •   Contribute online via Paypal on our donations page on our website: and section for New Lectionaries + mass books link – Donate (

  • Bank transfer:
    Account Name: The Trust of Saint Benedict’s Abbey, Ealing
    Address: Ealing Abbey Parish, Charlbury Grove, London, W5 2DY
    Account Number: 19123696 Sort Code: 16-00-15 Reference: Your name + Mass Books

   •    You can also put your donation in an envelope marked “Lectionaries + Mass Books” and place it in the offering boxes, or drop off to the Parish Office.

As a thank you..

The names of all those who donate towards the costs of these, will be written in a book of thanksgiving along with mass celebrated once a month during the Jubilee Year for you all especially and your intentions.

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated and supported us already. Your support is crucial and deeply appreciated.

Ways to get involved


Be a Pilgrim of Hope this Jubilee Year

We have various volunteering roles available in the Parish. See a list of roles available here.

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