News & Bulletins
Check out the latest news in the Parish and find our latest Newsletter.
The next fortnightly e-newsletters are scheduled for 14th & 28th March 2025, these are extended versions of the parish bulletin. If you would like to receive these, please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page to be added to our mailing list, or reach out to Chelle.

Join God's Family
Enquirers Group
Interested in becoming a Catholic Christian? Explore the Catholic faith through our RCIA group
Baptism prep
We have a preparation course, helping parents discover God’s plan for your child to grow in relationship with God.
The Latest news from St Benedict's

The significance of the marriage feast at Cana
“you will be called by a new name… longer ‘Forsaken’ or ‘Abandoned’ but ‘My delight’, and your land shall be ‘Married.’

Celebrating the feast of The Three Kings – Orszak with a procession
Sunday 12th January 2025

The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
As we stand at the threshold of a new year, let this be a reminder that God’s light continues to shine upon us, guiding our steps and illuminating our journey of faith. Even in moments of darkness or uncertainty, His light remains constant, offering us hope and direction.

Holy Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us!
To live is to change and to be perfect is to have changed often.

Jubilee Year Parish Discussions October 2024
Join us this January 2025 as a follow on from our discussions in October on The Jubilee Year theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Here’s a summary of what we as a Parish discussed and upcoming dates for your diary.

Prepare for the Second Coming
The “signs” are not necessarily dramatic, as in the Second Coming, and we can easily miss them. That’s why we need to “Stay awake! Be alert!”

Blessing of the Crib – Rehearsals 2024
The Blessing of the Crib is at 3.00pm on Tuesday 24th December for the children to come dressed as shepherds, angels, kings. Rehearsal datesChildren from