News & Bulletins
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The next fortnightly e-newsletters are scheduled for 14th & 28th March 2025, these are extended versions of the parish bulletin. If you would like to receive these, please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page to be added to our mailing list, or reach out to Chelle.

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Enquirers Group
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Baptism prep
We have a preparation course, helping parents discover God’s plan for your child to grow in relationship with God.
The Latest news from St Benedict's

Our need for prayers
We need to realize that we cannot do it “all by ourselves”. We need prayers and reflection, just as we need the grace of the sacraments.

Amos’ strong social justice message
Amos exhorted the people to repent, to return to God, and to obey the divine word. If they did this, they would be saved. If they did not, then Israel could expect divine judgement.

Faith is the door into human hearts
Failure and human weakness actually give God scope to act out his own purposes in our lives.

Through the storms God is with us
This Sunday’s gospel has the disciples panicking in a storm, all the while Jesus is serene, undisturbed, almost as if he were on a different boat, on a different lake. But he’s not, of course, he’s here right with us, and it is in the storm, when afraid, confused, lost, that he is there.

The growth of God’s kingdom
Like the mustard seed, its starts off small and ends up being the largest of plants. Jesus’ intention was to tell the disciples to be patient, to trust in God .