Rejoice for the Lord is near

Rejoice for the Lord is near

Dear Parishioner,

Today is known as Gaudete Sunday, Gaudete being the Latin for ‘Rejoice!’ and we rejoice because the Lord is near. The third Sunday of Advent, marks the mid-point. The observant amongst you will notice that the third candle we light this Sunday is rose coloured and our priests and deacons wear special rose pink vestments.

I am sure many of you will be having a very busy time at the moment. You may find yourselves rushing around shopping and preparing for Christmas.  If that’s the case then Gaudete Sunday provides an opportunity to stop, pause and remember the very essence of what Christmas is about. It is an opportunity to ask yourself what more you can do to thank the Lord and what more you and your family can do as you prepare to celebrate Christ’s arrival.

The lighting of the rose candle provides an opportunity for prayer, we can take heart and comfort from the fact that God is supporting us, and with us in every step of our lives. God invites us all to prepare to celebrate the arrival of His son.  This can be done in different ways, in prayer and reflection, reading the bible, undertaking a good deed, changing our routines to create space and time for him. 

In our readings this Sunday the message is clear. Be happy, rejoice. Do not worry, because there is Good News for everyone with the coming of Jesus. So today, take the time to rejoice in the knowledge that with the arrival of Jesus he brought great hope and blessings for us all.  

Yours in Christ,

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