Standing order change

Change to Bank Account

Dear Parishioner,

Dear Parishioners,

I would like to thank everyone who is contributing financially to support the life of the Parish. 

Those who contribute through a  Standing Ordershould have received a letter from me during the week thanking you and informing you of the new Bank account and the need for a new Standing Order Mandate.  The letter is asking your permission to transfer your Bank details to this new account in order to ensure that we continue to receive your contribution.

Please could you return this form as soon as you can to the Parish Office.

I apologise for this inconvenience, but without your support the Parish cannot maintain its current mission and continue to develop even further and improve how we bring Christ’s message of love to you, our community and beyond. I am very grateful for your incredible consistent and generous financial support.

For more information around Parish finances, please click on ‘Parish Finance Update’ on the Parish Website, (  If you have any other questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 8194 2305 or via the Parish Office 020 8194 2301 or email

Again, many thanks for all your support. May God bless you and keep you safe in this year ahead and always.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

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