The Church continues to worship the risen Christ

The Church continues to worship the rise Christ who is now alive forever.

Dear Parishioner,

Today is the second Sunday of Easter. The church continues to worship the risen Christ who is now alive forever. Christ is present in our midst, bringing healing and Peace. 

Why should we Christians believe that Christ the son of God lives in glory? Well, in today’s first reading, we see the power of the risen Christ at work in the life and actions of his disciples. Through this power, many believed, and miracles were worked. Jesus made visible his living presence to and through his apostles. So, in our second reading, He assures us: I am the living one. I was dead, and now I am to live forever….” 

In our gospel passage, Jesus visited his scared disciples. This gospel teaches us that our faith is distinct from a mere sensible knowledge. This visit to his disciples was very significant. Firstly, it was in order to convince them that he was real. Secondly, it was to restore their faith and peace. So he said to them: “Peace be with you.” Thirdly, it was in order to empower them spiritually. So, “He breathed on them saying: “Receive the Holy Spirit.” 

Christ’s visit restored their courage and faith. However, it took time for Thomas to believe that Christ has risen. Doubt and fear are the greatest limiters to effort and power in the world. They make it difficult to believe the wonders that God has worked by resurrecting Christ. So, we must ignore the spirit of doubt and fear in our lives in order to experience the power of the resurrected Christ. We also need to embrace the peace that Christ brings to us this Easter. 

The power of Christ’s resurrection brings healing and peace to our body and soul. It also restores us to life. This was the reason he was resurrected. Paul says of this power: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies”

Today, Jesus reassures us of His living presence in a more substantial, powerful and glorified way. We therefore need to tap into His resurrection power in order to live as he lives. However, before we can experience this power and become its witness like the apostles, we must discard all doubts and fears. 

Our situation must shift from doubting to the manifestation of a living and active faith in the risen Christ. Finally, as we bear witness through our words and actions in this life, to the resurrection of Christ, we must give thanks to God because, He considers us worthy of sharing in the power of the risen Lord. His love and mercy endures forever.

With prayers,

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