Ukraine: How to Help

Please click here to find out HOW TO HELP those fleeing from the War in Ukraine.

Here are some ways you can help in Ukraine.

* CARITAS WESTMINSTER Please click here to find out HOW TO HELP those fleeing from the War in Ukraine, coming to our shores.

* CAFOD UKRAINE appeal  They will ensure funds go directly to Caritas Ukraine and Poland. The link is below:-

* THE JESUIT REFUGEE SERVICE (JRS former Abbey Lent project) is helping those fleeing, supporting the internally displaced in Lviv, where JRS is present, in the Ukraine.  the security situation is still relatively calm. Many people are arriving from other parts of Ukraine. The majority of them intends to reach the Polish border and often needs support or a place to spend the night on their way there. JRS refugee house, with a capacity of about 20 people, is currently been used to that end. Also the retreat house of the Jesuits has been immediately converted into a transit house for displaced people. Search JRS UKRAINE  

* ACN – AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED (former Abbey Lent project) has long-standing links with the local churches in the UKRAINE.  ACN has already provided €1 million (about £830,000) in emergency aid, but there is need for much more.  Donations can be made through the ACN website, which also has prayers for Ukraine: the people there desperately need our help and prayers.  The charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has long-standing links with the local churches there.  ACN has already provided €1 million (about £830,000) in emergency aid, but there is need for much more, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine
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August 2024

Summer Closure

The Parish Office will be closed during Mon 12th Aug-Mon 26th Aug. We reopen at 09.30am on Tues 27th Aug.

– No news bulletins or e-newsletters during August. These will resume in September. 

– No blessed exposition on Thursday’s and Friday’s during August. 

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