
Ruah, the Hebrew word meaning - wind, breath, and spirit!

Ruah, the Hebrew word meaning – wind, breath, and spirit!  Water, Fire, a Cloud, a Dove – symbols of the Holy Spirit!   A peal of thunder! A bolt of lightning! A Raging Wind!  Tongues of Fire!

Feel the energy. Explore the images they create, evoke, inspire and the life that explodes.  Words and phrases full of possibility, full of meaning, potential and possibility. Full of consequences.  Like the dove that just flies freely, going higher and higher into the heavens, God’s world.

Wind, breath, water, fire – you can’t control them, though we try! 

Pentecost is about a new freedom, a new strength, a new courage, to speak out boldly, about the One who has come into the world to save us.  About the One who suffered, died and rose again for our sake, for our liberation, for our salvation.

He has come to open what’s been locked up inside.  He has come to heal those wounds that still linger and hurt.  He has come to stop routine clogging the heart, clogging the love of God from taking hold. He has come make our love burn freely and openly. 

O Great Fear of the future. O Great Anxiety of job uncertainty, a fragile economy, mortgage increases. O Great putdown and force that crushed a bygone life of enthusiasm and hope, for creativity, for love. O Great Fear of so many things.

Veni Sancti Spiritus, bring us Hope. Give us strength to rise up and carry on.  Veni Sancti Spiritus make us seek life.  Give us freedom precious Holy Spirit to enable and bring: peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and most of all, love.

 “Holy Spirit, Lord of Light; Heal our wounds , our strength renew. melt the frozen, warm the chill, give us joys that never end!” (Pentecost Sequence)

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