Which camp do you fall into?

Which camp do you fall into?

Dear Parishioner,

“Who would you have ever thought 20 years ago that you’d be where you are now?”  “I knew from the beginning what I wanted to be and where I wanted be and I have reached that goal!” 

Which camp do you fall into for your life/career?

In one way I fall into both.  Growing up, I never thought I’d leave Ireland, away from family, home and friends. Although I always knew I wanted to be a priest from the age of 10, the journey has had so many twists and turns on the road, that I never thought I’d actually get there!  And the life itself is another story.

“There are many rooms in my Father’s house and I am going to prepare a place for you.”  Jesus wants to re-assure the disciples that, though he’s going away, it is for their benefit.  He won’t forget them. But it also reaches out and embraces all of us too!  We can’t always see the way ahead, but we need to know not only that there is indeed a way ahead into the unknown future, but that we will be able to find it. And he will guide us.

And on this very special weekend of celebration when on Saturday King Charles III was crowned.  His destiny and his place, his room has been very much set out before him.  His challenge is how he now lives out that role and destiny that he has been given.  The role is unique and is governed by duty and service to his people.  He’s had a long and winding preparation for it.  We ask God’s blessing on him and guidance now that he takes full possession of his destiny and his particular room.  May he too find sustenance and grace in these words of Jesus. 


Yours in Christ,

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